~When You Write Poetry for Him~

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Yugi- You were bored, so, you decided to write some poetry for Yugi, because, why not? After you were done, you were excited to show Yugi. "Yugi, I have something for you." "What is it, Kitten?" "I wrote a poem for you. Want to see?" "Sure." You then handed Yugi your poem.

I love you.

You are so cute.

Which cannot be measured.

I just love you so much.

So, will you be mine?

"Of course, I'll always be yours!" Yugi then gave you a sweet kiss. "So, want to watch a movie?" "Sure, sounds fun."

Yami-You were in creative writing class, and today, you had to write some poetry. After class, you didn't turn in your poem. Instead, you left, to find Yami. "Hey, Yami, can you read this?" "Sure." 'Yami then read the poem.

Can you guess,

Who I'm talking about?

He's smart,

And sexy.

He's the one I'm in love with.

Can you guess?

Can you?

Who I'm talking about?

Yami smirked. "I know who you're talking about." "Well, like the pome says, he's smart." "We should head to our next class, before we're late." "Guess you're right." You both then headed to your next class.

Ryou- You and Ryou were on a walk, when you decided that it was time to give Ryou your gift, that you had for him. "Ryou, I have something for you." "What is it?" "I have a poem for you. I hope you like it." You then handed your poem to Ryou.


And loveable.

White, fluffy hair.


These traits,

They describe,

My one and only,

<3 Ryou <3

"(y/n), I love it!" "Really? I know I'm not the best poet, but-" "Sweetie, don't be so hard on yourself. Please." "Fine..." "Shall we go home, and put this into a frame?" "That's be nice, sure."

Seto- You wanted to give Seto something nice. So, you decided to make a poem for Seto. When Seto read it, you couldn't tell if he liked it, or not.

Tall and firm.

Deep, blue eyes.

My hero,

He will always be.


"Not bad, Superstar." "You mean it?" "Of course, I do." "You can keep it, if you want." "Thanks, (y/n)." "You're welcome." And now, in a nice frame, your poem is on Seto's office wall.

Joey-Although you weren't an amazing poet, you thought you'd try to write a poem anyway. After thinking about it, you decide to share your poem, with Joey. "Okay, sure. I'll read your poem."

Stylish hair.

Gorgeous eyes.

Love his food.

My one, and only love,

Joey Wheeler.

"Not too shabby Babe, not too shabby." "Well, I know I'm not the best poet, so, it's okay to tell me it sucks." "I don't think it sucks." "Really?" Joey then pulled you in for a kiss. "Really."

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