~When You Hear Him Sing~

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Yugi-You were feeling mischievous today. Yugi had spied on you singing, so you were going to get him to sing for you. You walked up to him, eyes full of determination. "Hey (y/n)-" "I DARE YOU TO SING!" Yugi's eyes widened. "Uh......." "SING!" "Fine, let's just go somewhere private first." "Works with me!" You then dragged (literally) Yugi to your house. Once you were inside, you sat down. "Come on, let's do this!" Yugi sighed. He then sang and you were surprised how well he could sing. "Wow......" Was all you could say. When he had finished, Yugi just smiled.   

Yami-You had just entered the game shop, hoping to see Yami. But you didn't see him anywhere. Yet, you did hear singing, a deep voice singing. You could only assume it was Yami. Quickly, you pulled out your phone and rushed to find the source of the singing. What you found though made you burst into silent laughter. Yami, was dancing around his room, hair brush being used as a microphone, while singing "Pharaoh's Throne." Swiftly and silent, you put your phone on record. Soon Yami finished singing, but was surprised when he saw you with your phone out. "Sweet (y/n), how long have you been there?" "Long enough to make a four minute video of you singing. Which I'll cherish forever." You said while holding your phone protectively. "Well, as long as you don't share it with anyone, I'm fine with you keeping the video." "Yay!" "So, what shall we do now dear (y/n)?" "Let's watch the video of you singing!" "I was afraid you'd say that."

Bakura-You were walking over to Bakura's apartment, when you heard Bakura speaking to himself from out his window. "I can do this, I can! I just need to do it like I practiced, and then I'll be fine!" 'Wonder what that's about.' You thought as you knocked on the front door. You could hear Bakura scrambling to get to the door. "Hello sweetie, how are you doing today?" "Well, Bakura, I'm doing much better now that I'm with you." "Same here, care to come inside? I have something planned which I think you'll enjoy." "I'm sure I will." You said while walking inside. "You can just sit on the couch." "Okay." You then sat on the couch. You could see how nervous Bakura seemed. "I-I'm going t-to sing f-for you n-now......." Bakura said while turning on the music for "Shy" by Jai Waetford. You couldn't believe this. Bakura, your shy boyfriend, was singing for you. And it didn't hurt that he had a magnificent voice either. When he finished singing, you clapped. "That was amazing Bakura!" You said while hugging him. "I'm glad you think so sweetie." Bakura said while hugging back. He was happy he was able to make you happy. Because that's all he hopes and dreams for in life, your happiness. 

Seto-You went to go check in on Seto. But surprisingly, you heard singing. Soon you deciphered it as Seto's voice. You couldn't believe Seto was actually singing! Also, you realized his voice sounded kind of.......Sexy........You had been so focused on his singing, you didn't realize he had stopped and was starring at you. "Uh....Hi Seto...." "You saw nothing, got that!?!" "Got it." "Good." You then left, glad Seto wasn't too mad. 

Joey-Joey said he had a surprise for you, and you just couldn't wait to figure out what it was. You were racing towards his house, excitement taking control. When you arrived, you were panting heavily. Joey opened the door and let you in. "Glad you could make it." "So, what's this secret?" "Just sit down and you'll see." You immediately sat down. Joey left, then came back with a microphone. "I want to sing for you." "Can't wait to hear you sing!" Joey then sang a song called, "Brooklyn Rage!" Turns out he had a good singing voice. At the end, you clapped. "That was amazing!" "Glad you think so!" Joey said while bowing. "So, what now?" "Not sure, want to have a singing duel?" "It's on!" In the end, it was declared a duel. Mainly because Joey didn't want to lose but didn't want you to lose either. You were just fine with a tie, as long as you had fun while earning the tie. 

Atem-You and Atem were on a walk in the palace garden. "Hey Atem, can you sing?" "I'll let you be the judge of that." Atem then started singing in the most amazing and sexy voice you had ever heard. You were sad when he stopped singing. "Well?" "You're definitely going to have to start singing more often." Atem chuckled. "Very well then."

Marik-You were on your way home when you were sure you heard singing. You looked to see Marik was singing. Although it was hard to hear since you were on a motorcycle, you enjoyed Marik's little performance. And later, you got Marik to do another performance for you, against his will. 

Sorry some are shorter than others. It's harder to write for some characters than it is for other characters. Remember you can request any character or scenario. And if you wouldn't mind commenting, I'd appreciate it. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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