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So, yeah, I've gotten tagged by four different people! FOUR! So, yeah, I'm going to do all of them at once, just so I don't have to make four different chapters, all about tags. Okay, here goes number one!

Do I like someone: Yes, but I won't tell

Do they like me back?: No idea, but I hope so. 

Middle Name: Elizabeth Belle (Yes, both are my middle names)

Single, or taken?: Sadly, single. 

Last person you texted: Liz (My best friend)

Last song I listened: nightcore: me and my broken heart

Battery: my own phone's complete crap, and it only shows out of four, so...3/4 battery life.

Best Girl Friends: Liz

Best Guy Friends: None...

Favorite OTP: Natsu X Lisanna (From Fairy Tail) (Don't kill me, Nalu fans) 

Why I made this account: So I could share my works with the world. 

My current lock screen: None, my phone's so old! 

Birthday: Dec 31 (Last day of the year) 

Number two (actually, the second one and third one are the exact one from the first one. I'm not posting that three times. So, we're actually on number four)! 

Crush: ....Not saying....

Middle Name: Elizabeth Belle

Height: 5'4 

Shoe size: I think I'm an 8 in women's...Maybe...

Eye color: Blue

Last time I cried: Sometime this past week. Mainly because I hate life! 

Biggest fear: ...Being alone...

Last song I listened to: nightcore: me and my broken heart

Last person I texted: Liz

Relationship status: In love, but afraid to share my feelings, so, I'm single.... :( 

That's it...Hopefully...I don't like being tagged. Mainly because I don't like saying things about myself. So, yeah...Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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