~Ending Number Sixteen: Chazz Princeton~

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No one....You couldn't think of anyone that you could possibly start a relationship with. Maybe....Just maybe....There's someone in the future, waiting for you. You then went up to Yami, and asked him about it. "Is there any way you can send me to the future?" Yami seemed shocked. "Why would you want to go to the future?" "In hopes that I can find my lover." "I see...."

Now you have all your things together, ready to be sent to the future. Yugi was tearing up. "(y-y/n), I want you to have this." Yugi then handed you a duel deck. "It's an Angel Warrior deck. I want you to have it." "Thank you." You then hugged Yugi. "Maybe, one day, we'll see each other in the future." "Maybe..." "Goodbye, and thank you." Yami's millennium puzzle then began to glow. Time seemed to pass by. And soon, you were in an unfamiliar place. 'This must be the future. Well, better make the most of it!'

You soon learned about the famous Duel Academy. Your thoughts then went to the deck that Yugi had given you. 'Well, if Yugi gave me this deck, might as well put it to good use. Plus, my lover might be at this Duel Academy.'

So, you applied for the famous Duel Academy. Apparently, Yugi's deck that he had given you was really well-made. And it got you into the highest-ranking rank, Obelisk blue. This had surprised you, since you had almost no experience with the game whatsoever. But, you didn't complain.

When you arrived, you got lost. You then saw an Obelisk blue student with a couple friends. Hoping to get some directions, you walked up to them. "Hello, I'm (y/n). Can you-" "Get lost." You sighed, then left. Though when Chazz turned around to see you walking off, he couldn't believe how beautiful you looked. 'What have I done?'

Chazz tried to ignore his feelings for you, but they kept popping up. Soon, he couldn't deny that he had fallen for you. He then made a gift basket for you, and left it in your dorm room.

When you found it, you loved the gifts. And at the bottom of the basket, you found a confession note, and it asked if you'd like to go out with him (Chazz). Feeling moved by this gift, and sweet way of asking you out, you said yes. Plus, it didn't hurt that he was good looking, as well.

And when Chazz found out you agreed, he was overjoyed. But, of course, he wouldn't show it. Either way, you were glad you had found your love.

~When You Kiss In Public~

Chazz noticed some guy looking at you. "I don't like it." "Like what?" "Those guys, staring at you." I think I know a way I can make them stop." "How?" "This." You then pulled Chazz in for a kiss. And just like you predicted, the guys stopped starring. 'Score one for (y/n)!'

~When You're Sad~

You felt sad because you weren't sure if you'd be able to do as good at duel academy. Because, you knew the only reason you made it this far was because of Yugi's angel deck. 'Do I really deserve to go here?' "Hey, Sexy, how're you doing?" "Just fine..." "You sure?" "Yes..." "Mind telling me what's wrong?" "Promise not to freak out." "Okay." "Okay..." You took a deep breath. "I'm from the past." Chazz looked shocked. "I knew it'd be better if-" "That's cool!" "You sure?" "Yeah, I'm sure. Besides, no one else can say that they're dating someone from the past." "True." "Feel better?" "I do, thanks Chazz." "Anytime, Sexy."

~When He's Sad~

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