~Chapter Nineteen~

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Thanks to everyone who has been reading my story. It really means a lot to me to know you all like it. 

"I'm going to be late!" Why would you say such a thing? After all, you had the perfect plan to get ready on time every day. How could your plan fail? Let's just say, someone forgot to set their alarm. 

You rushed out the door, toast in your mouth. You raced down the road towards the bus stop, only to see it drive away. "Just what I need...." You muttered. Though to your surprise Yugi and Yami were standing at the bus stop. "Good morning sweet (y/n)." "But why aren't you on the bus headed to school?" "Because, we didn't want you to miss the bus. If you did, we wanted to be able to help you find your way to school. Since you're new to this city and all........." "You know what? you're the best friends a girl could ask for!" "Glad to hear. So if you don't mind us asking, why were you late?" "I forgot to set my alarm." "That's fine, we all make mistakes." "So, guess we should start heading to school before we miss every class....." You said, not really excited about going to school, but not wanting to have it on your record that you skipped school. "Guess you're right. It should take us about thirty minutes to get there." "Then lead the way!" And thus, your little trio headed to school.

After arriving at school you got your tarty passes and headed to your lockers. "Wait, where's my locker?" "That's right, you're still new to the school. You can borrow mine for today." "Thanks Yugi." You three eventually made it to English class. As you entered you could feel everyone's eyes on you. The teacher then asked Yami to stay in the front. "Class, this is our new student Yami Muto." "Hello, it's nice to meet you all." You could see all the girls sigh as he sat down next to you on your right (Yugi's on your left). 

"Hey sweet (y/n), what does it mean when multiple girls stare at you with hearts in their eyes?" "That's easy to answer Yami, that means they're insanely in love with you even though they just met you." "So now I basically have crazy fangirls?" "Exactly!" "Shh!" The teacher hissed. "Sorry......"

"Hey Yugi, have any suggestions to get rid of crazy fangirls?" "Sorry, I don't. I've never had a girl like me before.........." "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find someone, one day." Yami said while putting a hand on Yugi's shoulder. 'As long as that someone isn't (y/n), I'll be happy for Yugi when he finds love.' "Thanks Yami." "Now let's head out to the gym, (y/n)'s probably waiting for us. "Okay." Yugi said while the two headed into the gym.

They soon spotted you and walked over to you. "Hey (y/n)." "Hey Yugi, hey Yami." You greeted them. "Want to make another deal?" "No way, I've learned my lesson." Yami chuckled. "So (y/n), will you be able to give me another math lesson today?" "Sure, I don't mind giving another lesson." "Thanks (y/n), you're the best!" You blushed at Yugi's words, making Yugi grin and Yami frown. 'I-I can't believe I actually did it! I made (y/n) blush!' Yugi thought, not realizing you were trying to ask him a question. 

"So, what do you think?" "Think about what?" "Were you even listening to what I was saying?" "Not really, sorry." "You should know it's rude to ignore people when they're talking to you. Especially to someone like Miss (y/n)." "It's fine Yami, we all zone out sometimes. I was just asking if you wanted to do a sleepover at my place on Saturday. Both you and Yami are invited." "Oh, I'd be happy to come." "As would I, dear (y/n)." "Great, how about you come over around five-thirty. Does that work for you?" "Works for me, how about you Yami?" But to Yugi and your surprise, the fangirls had dragged him away. "Shall we go help him?" "Might as well." And so, you spent the entire gym class wresting Yami from his fangirls. What fun! 

Remember to comment if you liked the story. I'll see you later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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