~Ways He Shows His Love For You~

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Yugi-Yugi wanted to make sure you knew he'd love you, no matter what. That's why he cooks for you, and would let you win when you'd occasionally play Duel Monsters. But lastly, he'd remember to say I love you, at least ten times a day. 

Yami-Yami was determined ever since you started dating him to make sure you always knew he loved you with all his heart. So he'd act like a gentlemen for you, such as opening doors for you. He'd also help you if you needed it. No matter what it was. Although he could be over-protective at times, you knew it was just his way of saying, "I love you."

Ryou-Ryou would do practically anything to show his love for you, anything! But he loved to take you out on frequent dates to restaurants or somewhere else where it could be a special night, just the two of you. Reassuring you that he loved you with all his heart. And it didn't hurt that he gave you short and sweet kisses very often. 

Seto-Seto, the way he shows love is by giving gifts. Almost every day, a new gift and card would be sitting on your nightstand. The card would contain money and sweet words. He also let you love in his mansion which included anything anyone could possible ask for. Five-star food, new stylish clothes, anything! He also made you second in command in his company, letting you help in making important decisions. The power would let you fire anyone you wanted, and much more. Asides from that, Seto was very protective of you, showing how much he loved you. On top of that, he'd give you his attention whenever you wanted it (Even if He didn't feel like it or was busy with work). And last of all, he'd give you a nice make-out every now and then. What an amazing boyfriend you have! 

Joey-Now Joey, he's the type of person who'd do many little things to show his love. Such as constantly saying, "I love you." Tons of hugs, going out on walked, helping you cheat in school, and whatever else you'd want or need. 

Atem-Atem would do anything to show his love for you. Anything you needed or wanted, Atem would provide. He'd also let you help in making important decisions. You were practically second in command of Egypt. Atem would also give you a nice make-out every single day. Lucky you! 

Marik-Marik does tons of thing to show his love. One, was letting you love with him. Some others include giving free motorcycle rides, make-outs, and tons of shirt stripping. Yep, Marik sure does love you. 

Bakura-Bakura isn't the type to show his love. He only does a few things that show his love. They include being very protective, make-outs, and rarely saying, "I love you." 

Sorry for another short chapter. Hope you enjoyed anyway. Now I'll try to get my Fairy Tail story up. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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