~Chapter Twenty-One~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

Mm........What's that delicious smell? Maybe..........(Favorite Breakfast)? No, it couldn't be......'Wait, am I dreaming?' I asked myself before opening my eyes. I then realized I was laying down on the couch. Covering my was a (F/c) blanket and under my head was a (second f/c) pillow. 'Who laid me here? When did I fall asleep? Last I remember was watching a movie with Yugi.' I then heard a sweet voice humming quietly. I sat up and looked into the kitchen to see Yugi making (favorite breakfast). Yugi then turned to me and smiled.

"Good morning (y/n). Glad to see you're awake. I'm almost done making (Favorite breakfast) so you can go back to sleep if you want." I shook my head. "I'm not really tired anymore." I said while standing up and stretching. After walking into the kitchen I sat down and watched as Yugi served up (favorite breakfast). 

"I didn't know you could cook." "Yeah, well, I don't cook often. I only cook to make my friends happy." Yugi said while handing me a (plate/bowl) of (favorite breakfast). "This looks really good. Did you make any for yourself?" "I already ate." "Oh, okay." I then took a bite of (favorite breakfast). It was amazing! "Yugi, can I hire you to be my personal chef?" Yugi laughed. "Come on, my cooking isn't that good." "Are you kidding? You're cooking's astounding!" Yugi then blushed. "How about I cook for you every Saturday?" "I would love that!" I can't believe Yugi's willing to cook for me every Saturday. He's so sweet! 

"Well, I think I should go check on Yami." Yugi said while getting his things together. "Can I come with you? I'm really worried about Yami." I really hope Yami's feeling better. "Sure, I don't mind." "Thanks Yugi, just let me go get dressed." You said while heading upstairs. 

~Yugi's P.O.V~

(y/n) had just left to go upstairs. I wanted to make (y/n) happy so I decided to clean up (y/n)'s kitchen. Soon (y/n) came downstairs and gasped. Oh no! Did I do something wrong? I turned around slowly to see (y/n) looking quite happy. "I-I can't believe you actually cleaned my kitchen. Yugi, I think you're one of the best friends I've ever had!" (y/n) then came up and hugged my. I felt so happy at that moment. "T-Thanks (y/n)." I replied while hugging her back. "Well, shall we head over to your place to check on Yami?" (y/n) said while pulling away. I was saddened our hug had ended, but I couldn't let (y/n) see that. "Sure." I said while pulling up my phone to see I had gotten a text from Yami. What it said nearly scared me half to death. I re-read it many times to make sure I had seen it clearly. But instead of texting him back, I put my phone back in my pocket. Yet, I couldn't get the text out of my mind. 

~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

As I finished putting on my shoes I looked over to see Yugi looking really concerned about something. "You okay?" Yugi looked over to me. "Yeah, just thinking about something." "Okay." I said while opening the front door. "You coming?" "Yeah." Yugi said while leaving my house. I followed after him. 

In literally a minute we arrived at the game shop. Yugi opened the door for my and soon we were inside. Yugi's grandpa greeted us and we then headed upstairs. I decided to knock on Yami's door. "Who is it?" "It's (y/n) and Yugi." There was a short pause before we got a response. "Come in." Yugi and I then entered Yami's room. His walls had posters of ancient Egypt and his room was surprisingly very neat. Yami laid in his bed, covers over him, looking very sick. "Yami!" I exclaimed while running over to him. "Are you feeling worse?" I asked, words full of concern and worry. But can you really blame me? Yami's sick! "I'm afraid so....." "You poor thing. I'll go make some soup for you." I said while turning back to face Yugi. "Yugi, mind showing me the kitchen?" "Sure." Yugi said while leading me out of Yami's room. 

~Yami's P.O.V~

Seems everything's going according to plan. I hate to have to lie to my sweet (y/n), but like the text said, this is war. If I must be honest with myself, I felt better hours ago. But I can't let (y/n) know that, can I? That'd ruin the whole plan. 

~Yugi's P.O.V~

Something about Yami didn't seem right. I know he ate a bad pizza but I thought he'd be feeling better by now. And the text Yami sent me earlier isn't helping either. But I can't just jump to conclusions. Besides, I get to cook with cute (y/n). What could be more fun?

That's all for now! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. There's something I want to ask you fellow readers. After this story is done I want to do some Yu-Gi-Oh Boyfriend Scenarios. It'd be a follow-up for the story. So there'd be nothing like-

-When You meet

-When you acquire a crush

Or anything else like that. It'd start after you started your relationship. But what I need to know is if you want any other characters aside from Yugi and Yami. I already plan to do Bakura (good) but I want to know if I should do any other characters. Be aware that I haven't watched the entire show yet. So if you have any suggestions feel free to request them. That's all for now. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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