~When He Saves You~

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Yugi-You opened your eyes to reveal you were in some warehouse. You tried to move, but soon realized you were tied up. You tried struggling, but it was no use. Sighing to yourself, you wondered if Yugi would come and save you. Speaking of your adorable baby panda, he seemed to appear out of the blue and started untying you. "(y/n)! I'm so sorry for not coming sooner. When you didn't come after school, I started to get worried and tracked your phone here." "It's fine Yugi, now you are here and that's all that matters." Your little reunion was interrupted when some thugs came up to you two. "You don't get to free here till you duel against us!" One of the men said while picking you up and holding you above Yugi's head. "Wait! You kidnapped my girlfriend......Just so you could duel me in Duel Monsters!?!" "You scared?" "No. But why go to all that trouble? Just come and ask me to duel, not do this!" Yugi then kicked the guys where to sun doesn't shine. The guy holding holding you dropped you. You braced for impact, but instead of hitting the ground, you landed in Yugi's arms. "Thanks Yugi, you're my hero." Yugi blushed, before putting you down and finished untying you. "Shall we head home?" "Sure, sounds like a great plan." The two of you then headed home, hand in hand.

Yami-When you awoke, you noticed the air was foggy and dark. You heard a voice call out to you saying, "(y/n)!" You looked up to see you were chained to a wall. And in front of you beheld Yami and some other person dueling. "What's going on!?!" "Listen, we're in the shadow realm, and this other person is Marik. He's really evil and brought us here. If everything goes according to plan, we'll walk away unharmed." "And if it doesn't?" "Well, you don't want to know." You felt helpless, unable to do anything. In the end, it was Yami who had won. The chains that held you disappeared and the fog disappeared. Yami ran up to you before hugging you. "Are you alright?" "Yes Yami, I am." "Good, then let's go home." The two of you then headed home, trapping Marik in the shadow realm.

Ryou-You woke up to the smell of blood and decaying bodies. You looked around, and indeed, there was blood and decaying bodies. You then heard a somewhat familiar voice. "Hello (y/n), nice to see that you would drop by." You looked in the direction of the voice to see Bakura, the evil spirit of the ring. "What do you want with me?" "Simple, for you to rule with me. It'd completely shatter Ryou's heart." "No, I'd never join you!" "Then I'll simply have to kill you....." Bakura said while approaching you. You backed away till you had reached a corner. "Good-" Bakura was cut off with a metal tea pot swung at his head. Bakura fell over, now unconscious. You looked up at your rescuer. Turns out if was Ryou. "You......" "We need to hurry, let's leave while we can!" Ryou then led you out of Bakura's lair. ".........Saved me."

Seto-As soon as Seto learned you were missing, he had everyone, and I mean everyone, looking for you. He wondered who'd do this, but soon it came clear. Seto had a limo take him to his rival's company. Once he arrived, he barged inside. He was met with the company's leader. "Give me (y/n) back! Now! Don't test my patience!" "Not till you give us Kaiba Corp." "Never!" "Then you'll never see your sweet (y/n) again." "You know what? I'm not going to take this!" Seto then flipped the desk over, to hear a voice groaning. "(y/n)!" Seto then picked up the desk to reveal your tied up form. He picked you up and glared at the leader. "You will pay for what you did. Count on it!" Seto then carried you away, bridal style. Afterwards, Seto shut down that company. "Are you sure you're okay?" "For the one-hundredth time, YES!" At least you know Seto really cares for you.

Joey-Your eyes opened. After adjusting to the darkness, you realized you were still in an alleyway. You also realized you were in chains, tied to a sturdy poll. You tried pulling free, but it was no use. "It's no use. You're going to be staying with us for a long time....As our new pet." A man said, breathe smelling like alcohol. Your body shaked in fear. Soon, you saw the men fall to the ground, one by one. "Come on babe, let's go before they get up." Only one person had that kind of Brooklyn accent and called you babe. It was Joey! He had come to save you! You nodded while standing up (Joey had taken the chains off of you). The two of you were soon out of the alleyway, and then, you called the police. "Babe, did they hurt you?" "My wrists are a bit sore. But other than that, I'm fine, thanks to you." "Isn't that what any boyfriend would do? Save his girlfriend when she's in danger?" "Either way, I'm thankful." You said while hugging Joey. He hugged you back, making sure you felt safe.

Atem-You awoke, to learn you were tied up. "Don't try to struggle, it's pointless." You then looked up to see Bakura, the thief king. "Soon enough, the Pharaoh will come to save you, and when he does, he'll die!" Bakura then laughed, evilly. "I suggest you let my Queen go!" Both of you turned to see Atem, looking super pissed. "Finally, you've arrived." "Let (y/n) go!" "Never! Now I suggest you give me your millennium puzzle, or she'll pay the price!" Bakura then put a knife up to your throat. Atem's eyes widened. "You have-" You then bit Bakura's hand, making him yelp in pain. Atem took this opportunity to knock Bakura unconscious, and carried you to safety. "Thanks for saving me." "I'd do anything to save my Queen, anything."

Marik-Once Marik noticed you were kidnapped, he knew just where he had to go. He made his way to Bakura's lair. When he made it there, he bust in, only to see you on a table. And Bakura was next to you, holding a sharp knife. "BAKURA! You let my pet go!" "And why should I? It'll be fun to tear her apart." Marik growled. Soon, the two of them were dueling. In the end, Marik won, sealing Bakura in the shadow realm, forever. Marik then released you from your restraints. "Thanks Marik!" "Anytime, anywhere, for my pet." Marik then carried you home, back to safety.

Bakura-After a while, Bakura started freaking out. He went back to school, to see your backpack on the ground. "This is (y/n)'s! Something must've happened to her." Bakura then realized who was after his destruction, Marik Ishtar. He rushed to find Marik. About three hours later, he did. "Marik, you better let (y/n) go!" "Or what?" "This!" Bakura then brought you three to the shadow realm. "Whoever's millennium item's stronger gets to keep (y/n)." "Sounds fair." Soon their millennium items were glowing. But in the end, Bakura won. Marik was now in the shadow realm. Bakura then called off the shadow realm, bringing you back to the normal world. You started to wake up. "(y/n), are you okay?" "I think so." "Guess what? I have a gift for you." "What is it?" "This." Bakura then handed you the millennium rod. "But-" "Do you think you can take good care of this for me?" "I think so." "Good, just no using it on me, okay?" "Understood." "Now, let's head home." "Sounds good to me." Then you two walked home, excited about being one step closer to bringing down the Pharaoh.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Remember, you can request any character or scenario you want. Also, here's the things I have planned for future stories.

Rouge X Reader One-Shot (Definitely)

Natsu X Reader X Gray (99% percent sure I'll do this)

Combine Yu-Gi-Oh and Fairy Tail (not so sure about this)

Marik X Reader One-Shot (almost positive)

You can still request one-shots or stories since I still haven't decided on what I want to do for my new story. Just comment about what you want. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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