~When He Has A Nightmare~

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Yugi-You watched as Yugi slept peacefully next to you on your couch as you two watched a movie. Well, you were, Yugi had fallen asleep about an hour ago. You soon noticed Yugi stirring in his sleep. Soon he began crying and you started freaking out. "YUGI! Wake up!" You said while shaking Yugi awake. He was panting heavily. He looked over to you and hugged you. "Please (y/n), tell me you won't leave me for Yami. I just need to know you won't leave me." "Of course I won't leave you Yugi. You should know by now that I love you, and only you." "Thanks (y/n), you always know what to say." "So, shall we finish the movie together?" "Sure, beats another nightmare." So you and Yugi snuggled together as you finished the movie. 

Yami-Yami couldn't believe it, he had just lost you. But, how could this happen? Everything seemed fine till you left him, all alone. What did he do wrong? This.....This can't be real! It just can't! Yami bolted out of bed and ran barefooted to your house. He didn't care if his feet hurt from the gravely road, he had to make sure you weren't going to leave him. Entering your house using the spare key you left under the mat (left there so he could get in when he wanted) He came inside and woke you out of your peaceful sleep. "Yami, what do you need?" "Tell me, what have I done to make you hate me!?!" "Huh?" You asked, still half-asleep. "I need to know!" "Okay, one, you did nothing wrong. Two, can I go back to sleep?" Yami was shocked, was it really all a dream? It had to be! "Sorry (y/n), I'll go now." Yami said, but you were already asleep. Yami kissed your forehead. "Sleep well my sweet (y/n)." Yami then left, and was finally able to sleep in peace.

 Bakura-"Please, leave her alone!" I pleaded to the spirit of the ring to let (y/n) go. "Why should I?" "Because, she did nothing wrong!" "That makes me want to corrupt her even more." The spirit said with an evil smirk. Soon (y/n) fell to the ground. I scrambled over to her, but something was different. Her overall aura was evil. "Change her back!" "Never!" The spirit then left, leaving (y/n) in this evil form. This can't be happening! Sweet (y/n) can't be gone, she can't be! I opened my eyes to show I was in my room. I looked down at my chest to not see the millennium ring on me. Sometimes I'm glad the spirit of the ring has his own body. But other times I'm worried he'll come back for me, or worse, my sweetie (y/n). I knew I had to make sure (y/n) was safe! I rushed over to (y/n)'s place. When I knocked, I waited patiently for her to answer. A sleepy (y/n) answered. "What do you need Bakura?" I surprised (y/n) by hugging her, while tears threatened to fall. "You okay Bakura?" "I'm just fine, I'm just happy the spirit of the ring hasn't turned you evil." "Don't worry, I won't let the spirit of the ring turn me evil." I seemed calmed by her answer. "Okay, well, I'll let you sleep now." I said while leaving her to sleep. After all, I'd be a bad boyfriend to prevent (y/n) from getting enough sleep. Soon I was at my place and sleeping peacefully.  

Seto-Seto was on his way over to your house. He didn't even bother to knock on the door, he just kicked it down. He then proceeded to walk through your house till he found your room. Once he did, he picked you up and carried you into his limo. You started to wake up. "What's going on?" "You're coming to live with me." "Why?" "Because I don't want you living where I can't protect you, that's why." "Seto, did you have a nightmare?" "It's none of your concern." "Fine, but I want my things. And what will my parents say?" "We'll deal with those two things in the morning." "Okay then...." So it turns our you live in Seto's mansion now. It's much better than your old home, that's for sure. And now you get to see Seto more often, yay! ;)

Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to request any character or scenario. I might post one more scenario today, depends if I have time. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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