~Christmas Cooking~

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Yugi-Now, it wasn't a surprise that you two were cooking. You both loved to cook, and, Christmas was just an excuse to cook even more. You made tons of treats. So many, that, you were able to give some to all your friends, family, and still have lots left. Maybe you shouldn't spend so much time in the kitchen....

Yami-"It's a family tradition to cook (Treat). Would you like to join us?" "Sure." Let's just say, your family tradition to cook (Treat) wasn't as merry this year, mainly because some people (Parents) couldn't take having Yami intrude on your little tradition.

Ryou-You both decided to cook for the poor, to lift their spirits. After finishing making your treats, you handed them out to those who were less fortunate. How sweet you two are!

Seto-"Uh....Where to start?" You sighed. 'I better warn Mokuba to not come to try the treats, when we're done.' And, thanks to your warning, Mokuba doesn't have food poisoning. Way to go!

Joey-You never actually finished making your treats, because, you couldn't stop eating the batter. Yeah, you both got sick very quickly.....

Atem-In the future, you, Atem, Yami, and Yugi made Christmas treats together. It was very awkward for Atem to cook with his future self, and vice-versa. Nevertheless, you both had a fun time.

Marik-Marik really wanted to impress you, so, he cooked up a whole ton of treats, while you slept the night away. When you awoke, you found Marik on the couch, passed out. When you went into the kitchen, you couldn't believe how many delectable treats were on display. 'Wow, this is incredible! Marik, you sleep well, you deserve it.'

Bakura-"Why the bloody hell do I have to cook!? Why can't we make Ryou cook for us!?" "Because, I want to cook with you! Plus, do you really want me to be spending more time with Ryou?" "You have a good point. Fine, let's do this...." You two then made a delicious lemon angel food cake. And, since Ryou loved lemon angel food cakes, Bakura tortured him, by making him watch you and Bakura eat the cake. 'Why me....? Why must I be tortured like so....?'

Malik-"Malik, what're you cooking?" "(Treat)." "Can I join you?" "I guess so." You two then cooked (Treat) together. And, afterwards, you enjoyed your delectable treat. Yum!

Jaden-"Let's get our cooking on!" You sighed, before getting the cookbook out. "We need one cup of sugar, two cups of flour-" "On it!" Jaden the put one quart of sugar in, and then, two tablespoons on flour in. You face-palmed. 'This is going to be a disaster.' And, you were indeed right. The (Treat) was a failure.

Syrus-"Syrus, can you read the recipe to me?" "Sure, we need-" The lights then went out. "Great, just great! The power's out! How're we supposed to cook now?!" "I guess we can't. Sorry, (y/n)." "Don't worry, it's not your fault. But, man....It's cold!" "I have some extra blankets in my room." "Perfect! Let's go!" You two then left, to go cuddle.

Zane-"So, Zane, what do you want to cook?" "I don't care, you pick." "Then, in that case, let's make (Treat)." "Okay." Though, a certain someone (I won't say who), turned the oven up too high. So, yeah, your (Treat) didn't turn out so well....

Jesse-You and Jesse were put on cooking duty, to cook for the entire school. The school was having a play, and, they wanted to serve everyone treats. It was a huge pain, but, you got a huge reward afterwards. So, it was worth it in the end. Plus, you got to spend more time together.

Chazz-"Why must I cook? I have chefs who can cook for us." "Because, I want to cook with you!" Chazz sighed. 'She's going to regret making me cook.' And, he did, by sabotaging the treat. Yeah....Chazz had that beating coming to him.

Aster-"Come on, Aster, let's make treats for the orphans!" "But, we've already given toys to the orphans." "That doesn't mean we have to stop there." "....Fine....." You two then made treats for the adorable orphans. And, they appreciated it, greatly.

Atticus-You and Atticus decided it'd be fun to cook, for no good reason. While cooking, you ended up having a food fight. So, none of the food actually made it in the oven, sadly....

I hope you enjoyed. Let me know if there are any other Christmas-themed scenarios you want me to do. If not, I'll just go back to normal scenarios. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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