~Chapter Four~

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You watched in awe as Yugi transformed into Yami. First of all, you noticed his increase in height. And second, his eyes gained a look of confidence, something Yugi's eyes lacked. You noticed Yami looking around confused before exclaiming, "What have I told you about summoning me when it wasn't a duel!?! You're only supposed to summon me for a duel or if there's Egyptian magic involved!" All you did was look at him questioningly. 'Wow, even his voice is deeper.' You thought as Yami kept yelling at.....Himself? "Um......Yami was it? Please don't be mad at Yugi, I'm the one who asked to meet you." You explained. Yami then looked over at you and sighed. "Well then, sorry if I startled you. I'm Yami, and what's your name?" Yami then stretched his hand out for you took shake. You took the opportunity to shake before responding, "I'm (y/n) (l/n), it's nice to meet you Yami. Sorry if I caused you any trouble." "It's fine, I"m just not used to being summoned anywhere other than a duel." "Okay." After saying that you looked at your phone and realized lunch had ended five minutes ago. "It was really nice meeting you but Me and Yugi need to get to class." you said while scrambling your things. "Okay, well Miss (y/n), I hope we get to talk to each other again soon." Yami said, preparing to let Yugi take over. "Will do." And with that, Yami closed his eyes and Yugi was back in control. "How was-" You cut Yugi off by grabbing his hand and dragging him inside. Yugi was blushing the entire time you were holding his hand and some time after as well. Soon you made it to class but were ten minutes late. Let's just say, the teacher didn't like you idea of a first impression. 

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