~When You Fangirl~

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Yugi-You were screaming, loudly. Poor Yugi was covering his ears. When you finished, Yugi politely asked, "What was that for?" "(Favorite character from an anime/TV show/book) just asked (significant other) to be (his/her) (girlfriend/boyfriend)!" "That's all?" "It's called fangirling. Sorry if I scared you." "It's fine." You then continued to scream, probably damaging Yugi's poor ears.

Yami-You suddenly started crying, startling Yami. He rushed over to you. "What's wrong!?!" "(Favorite character from an anime/TV show/book) just died!" "You're crying over a fictional character!?!" "It's called fangirling, and you better get used to it!" Yami didn't know what was in store for him, poor him!

Ryou-You were bouncing around Ryou's apartment in excitement. He didn't ask about it, he just let you do your thing, afraid to ask what you were doing. Smart guy! 

Seto-Seto was running quickly to your room, because he heard you screaming. When he arrived, he was shocked to see you were perfectly fine. "Why were you screaming!?!" "I just learned that (Favorite show/Anime) was just canceled!" "That's it!?!" "It's called fangirling." "Well, try to keep it down. Some of us are actually trying to work." "Fine!" Seto then left, leaving you all alone. Deciding you didn't want to disturb Seto again, you proceeded to scream more quietly. Luckily for you, Seto didn't hear your screaming. 

Joey-"Please stop!" "How can I? (favorite character)'s past has just now been revealed! This is just so....." You then screamed for like the eleventh time that day. Joey covered his ears, again. He wanted to hang our with you, but not this way. Sadly for him, the fangirling lasted for another three hours. 

Atem-Now when you had come to the past, you had brought some books with you. You were reading when......."Oh my god!" Atem was startled by your outburst. "You okay my queen?" "I can't believe this! (Main male character) asked (main female character) to be his girlfriend!" "That's all?" "Obviously you've never seen a girl fangirl." "No, I haven't." "Well, you better get used to it. I brought the entire series with me!" You said before reading again. "Oh Ra, help me........"

Marik-Marik rushed to your room, thinking you were in danger. But he just found you in your bed (Watching/reading) your favorite (anime/TV show/book). "Why'd you scream?" "Oh, I was just fangirling." "Can you please not fangirl?" "I'm afraid it's not that simple." "It's not?" "Nope." Marik sighed. "Well, just try not to scare me, okay?" "I'll try." "Thanks." Marik then left, leaving you to continue your fangirling. 

Bakura-"Ryou, do you know what (y/n)'s doing?" "She's fangirling." "What the bloody hell is fangirling?" "Trust me, you'd rather not know." "Then how do I stop it?" "You can't." "Just great!" Then an idea came to Bakura. He kissed you, shutting you right up. 

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if you didn't. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. I have some news for you that you won't like. On Monday, I'm going to this camp. I get back on Friday. But after that, I'm going to go visit my family for two-four weeks. During that time, I won't be able to update my story at all. I hope you can understand. Please don't be mad! I promise when I get back, I'll update. I'll try to add one or two more scenarios before I leave (which will probably be done today). Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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