~When He Tries To Impress You~

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It's hard to believe but........OVER 1K VIEWS! Thanks to everyone who's read this story so far. You don't know how much this means to me!

Yugi-You and Yugi were currently at an amusement park. There were rides and of course games. And with every couple, the boy always tries to impress the girl. Yugi felt no different. So as soon as he saw the first game, he rushed you to it. It was the ball toss game, where you try to knock down the sturdy pins with a weak ball. Yugi tried multiple times, but failed miserably. "It's okay Yugi, let me try." You said while taking Yugi's ball and aiming for the pins. You knocked down every pin. Everyone, including you, were shocked. You noticed Yugi frown. "Aw, Yugi, you don't need to try to impress me. I love you just the way you are. Now let's go on a ride." "Okay." But it was hard for the two of you to go on any rides since Yugi was so short. Poor him!

Yami-You recently had gotten into fan-art, and how people could recreate your characters from (fav anime/TV show) so well. Yami decided he'd try to impress you with his amazing art skills. Only problem, he had no art skills. His people turned out to be either sticks or big blobs. Sighing to himself, he realized it was pointless. When you came over, he had forgotten to put the pictures away. When you looked at the pictures, he mentally panicked. "Yami, did you try to draw (Favorite character) from (favorite anime/TV show)?" ".........Yes.........." "That's so sweet!" You said while hugging Yami. "So you don't mind that the pictures suck?" "Not at all. It's the thought that counts." Not what Yami had expected, but he'd decide he'd go with it. After all, you were happy. What more could he wish more?

Bakura-Bakura noticed you struggling with your homework, something that's been happening lately. He wanted to help you, but he wasn't the smartest person. But he had to try. "(y/n), sweetie? Do you want some help?" "Yes! Please!" Turns out Bakura was smarter than he thought. You had gotten an one hundred on your homework. You were ecstatic that Bakura had been able to help. "Hey Bakura, mind helping me on my homework more often?" "Sure." Bakura said with a smile, happy that his plan to impress you worked. 

Seto-"So, where're you taking me Seto?" "You'll see soon enough." Soon entered a secured room after entering many pass-codes. "You coming?" "Yeah." You said while entering a room which held all his Duel Monster's trophies and other trophies as well. "Wow...So you won all of these?" "Yep, some I won when I was only a child." "That's impressive. But you can stop trying." "Trying what?" "To impress me. You already impress me by being who you are." "Okay then........" "Shall we go? I'm hungry." "Sure." The two of you then left and went to go enjoy a five-star meal made by the best chefs in the world.

Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to request any character or scenario. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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