~When You Play FNAF~

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Yugi-"Remind me why we're playing this game." "To prove we can beat this game!" Yugi was sure at some times that you were fearless. Soon, a bunny popped up, frightening Yugi, while you just blinked. "Yami said this was supposed to be scary. But it isn't scary, right Yugi?" You looked around to see Yugi curled up in a little ball. "Aw, are you scared?" "Y-Yes." "Don't worry Yugi, I'll protect you from the scary bunny." You said while patting Yugi's hair. You decided from playing the game, relieving Yugi. Sadly, that didn't stop the nightmares about animatronic bunnies. Poor Yugi.....

Yami-"Well, I am the king of games, I'm sure I'll be able to beat this!" "I'm out! No way will I watch you play that horror game!" "Please, I need your support!" ".....Fine. But after five jump scares, I'm done!" "Deal!" When Yami started the game, you were terrified. But it turns out Yami was very skilled, and beat all five nights without any problem. It was when night six came that problems arose. Soon, five jump scares came and went. "That's it! I'm out of here!" You said while leaving. "(y/n)......(y/n), wait!" Yami said while following you out of the room. Sadly for Yami, he wasn't able to convince you to watch him, so he went and beat twenty, twenty mode all by himself, with no one to help celebrate with. Poor Yami.......

Ryou-Both of you were terrified. Why were you even playing the game in the first place, neither of you knew. What you did know, was that you were scared. It seemed Ryou was scared as well. "Maybe we should-" Just then, the power went out. You quickly jumped into Ryou's arms. When Freddy did his jump scare, you both fell out of your chairs, and ended up in a position where Ryou was on top of you. "Uh...." Both of you were blushing madly. "Here, let me help you up." "Thanks." Ryou then helped you up, and you two decided you'd never play that game ever again.

Seto-"I don't see why I must play this crap." "It's just for fun. You know, something most humans enjoy." "Fine." As you two played, on night four, the power went out. When Freddy came out, Seto exclaimed, "Ah! Bear!" Meanwhile you were clutching onto Seto. You quickly pulled away. "I didn't think I'd hear a reaction from you." "Just shut up." "I can't wait to tell Mokuba." "Don't you dare!" Seto said while pulling you back, before kissing you. You kissed back, forgetting what you were going to tell Mokuba.

Joey-"You thinking what I'm thinking?" "That we should play Five Nights At Freddy's until we're scared like heck?" "My thoughts exactly!" Now you were both regretting choosing to play Five Nights At Freddy's. Turns out the game's scarier than you thought. Not only that, but the chicken (or it a duck?), gave you the creeps. You were instantly put back into reality when the chicken (duck), jumped out at you. "Ah!" "You okay babe?" "Maybe, maybe not." "Maybe we should stop playing." "I agree with that statement." And so, you vowed to never play that dreaded game every again.

Atem-After telling Atem about Five Nights At Freddy's, he wanted to try it for himself. So, he had people recreate the game. People were used as the animatronics. It was more like a free roaming, where you were trying to escape the building without getting caught. Even though you got scared sometimes, you and Atem had a blast playing Five Nights At Freddy's, Egyptian style.

Marik-"Why're we wasting our time playing this horror game? Especially when we have world domination to plan." "Marik, I thought it'd be fun to just relax and.....AH, BUNNY!" You said before hiding behind Marik. He chuckled. "This is relaxing?" "Yes!" "Whatever. Let a pro do this!" Marik said before starting the night over. But let's just say, you were there a long time. "Yes! I did it! I am victorious!" But then, night two started. "What!?!" "Marik, there's seven nights in this game." "No! This can't be!" Let's just say, Marik didn't leave till he had beaten twenty, twenty mode, three weeks later.....

Bakura-"Please don't make me play that horror game!" "(y/n), it'll be fun, trust me." Bakura was literally dragging you to the computer, trying to convince you that the game would be fun. "Fine, but you're responsible if I get scared." "Deal!" Luckily for you, Bakura was so good and beat the entire game on his first try. "Now, was that so scary?" "No, not really." "I told you it'd be fun." "Guess you're right........." But deep inside, you were still scared.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. If you wouldn't mind commenting, I'd really appreciate it. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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