~Chapter Eighteen~

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"Who dares to wake me up from my slumber!?!" Yami barked in the tone of a pharaoh. But neither you or Yugi could take him seriously. "What? What is it?" Yami asked with a confused look on his face. "Here, see for yourself." You said while handing Yami a small mirror. Once Yami saw his reflection, he smirked. "Nice job (y/n), let's see how you like it!" Yami said while grabbing the sharpie you had left right next to him. 'Why did I leave it there?' You thought before running away from his Egyptian rage. Yugi had backed away, but sadly for him, Yami noticed. "Don't think you're getting away from me Yugi. Once I get (y/n), you're next." Yugi's eyes widened. 

Yami then started to chase you until he had backed you into a corner. "You ready (y/n)?" Yami said while getting closer with his sharpie. "Is it too late to say sorry?" Yami then chuckled. "Sweet (y/n), I'm not mad." "You're not?" "Not at all." "Then why're you chasing me down?" "For fun, why else?" "Oh, okay...." "Do you not like this game?" Yami asked sadly. "It's not that at all. I just thought you were mad at me." "Dear (y/n), I could never get mad at you." "Then mind ending the game and joining us for breakfast?" "Your wish is my command." Yami said while slightly bowing. You two then went back into the main room, looking for Yugi. 

"Yugi! You can come out now!" You then saw Yugi come out from under the couch. "How?" "How what?" "How did you fit your hair under there?" "I don't know.........." "Well, shall we eat? I'm starving!" Yami said while heading to the kitchen. "If you hadn't of slept so long you'd of already eaten." You said while following Yami into the kitchen. Yugi trailed behind you. Yami sat down next to you while Yugi sat across from you. As soon as Yami tried your cooking, he knew you were meant to be his wife. 

"Miss (y/n), this food is well made. It's food worthy for a king!" "Thanks!" You said, happy you were finally able to share your food with others. "Hey guys, why not go for a walk after we finish eating? I'm still new to this town so a tour would be really nice." "Sure (y/n), we wouldn't mind giving you a tour." "Thanks! Just let me go get dressed, I'll be right back." You said before excusing yourself and heading up to your room. 

"Hmm......What should I wear?" You asked yourself while looking at your clothes. You eventually settled on a white shirt with a blue skirt and white sandals as your choice in footwear. You put your hair up in a ponytail (if you can) and put on (accessories/no accessories). 

After heading back downstairs you noticed both the guys on their phones. "Shall we head out?" You asked with a smile. Both guys looked up and couldn't help but stare. Let's face it, you looked drop-dead gorgeous (Because in this story, you're awesome!). "Guys?" Both guys snapped back into reality. "Sorry (y/n), we're all ready to go." "Shall I get the door for you?" Yami asked, although he had already done so. "Thanks Yami." You said while stepping into the fresh air. Yugi and Yami followed you outside. 

"So (y/n), where would you like to go first?" "I was thinking we just head in one direction and see where it leads us." "Sounds like an excellent plan Miss (y/n)." "Thanks." You said while slightly blushing. No one noticed, but Yugi frowned at your blush. 

'I wish I could do something to make her blush. Her blush is just the cutest!' Yugi thought while you three started walking to the right. On your walk, Yugi and Yami would point out things to you. "Wow, it seems like this city has everything!" Your eyes soon landed on a cupcake shop. "Hey guys, think we can stop for a snack?" You asked, although you were already leading the two guys to the cupcake shop.

 "Feel free to get whatever you want, think of it as a thank you for the tour." You said with a smile. "No (y/n), we couldn't possibly accept that." "Yugi's right, let us pay for you." "I'm sorry, but I can't accept. If I did then I'd feel like I'd owe you. So, just let me pay for you." You said while putting your hands on your hips, giving a I'm-not-going-to-take-no-for-an-answer attitude. Both Yugi and Yami sighed. "Fine." "If that's what you really want then so be it." "Thanks guys! You're the best!" You said while hugging them both. 

"So, what would you like to order?" You asked while the three of you looked at the menu. "I'll take a vanilla cupcake with cheesecake frosting with a cherry on top." "Very simple, not that simple's a bad thing. Yami, what would you like?" "A chocolate cupcake with strawberry frosting and nothing on top." "Okay, and I'll take (Favorite flavor) with (Second favorite flavor) frosting with a (Favorite fruit) on top. How about you guys go sit down while I go order our cupcakes." "Okay." You then went to order while the guys sat at a table near the window. Yugi sat by the window while Yami sat across from him. 

"Aw, I don't get a window seat?" You pouted. "You can have my seat if you want." "That's find Yugi, I was just kidding." You said while sitting next to Yugi. Soon your order came and you three started digging in. "Wow, this cupcake's delicious!" After finishing your cupcakes you finished your tour. 

Too soon, it got dark and you had to head home. "This was fun, thanks so much for doing this for me." "Always happy to help my dear (y/n)." "Anytime you need anything, just let us know." "Thanks Yugi, thanks Yami. See you tomorrow!" You said while heading into your house. The two tri-hair colored teens then headed home, each looking forward to seeing your pretty face once more. 

I'm only going to post one chapter a day at most from now on. Mostly because I don't want this story to be over so quickly. Hope you can understand. Remember to comment if you liked the story. I'll see you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

P.S-If you comment or vote on the story, I'll follow you (Because I'm trying to be nice)

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