~When He Loses His Wisdom Teeth~

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Yugi-You giggled slightly at Yugi, who was acting completely loopy. "I'm sure of it, I'm a panda bear cub....." Yugi would say over and over. "Yes, yes you are." You'd say while patting his hair (Because you can't really pat his head because of all the hair). Afterwards, he'd try to deny what he said, but you'd prove him wrong with a recording of what he said. "Why'd you record me saying that?" "Because I wanted to have proof to show you." "Okay then......"

Yami-You had your phone out, recording Yami and his crazy behavior. "Hey, guess what?" "I challenge you to a children's card game! I mean duel! At least, I think I want to......." "Penguins rule the world!" You couldn't wait to see his reaction. "Aren't penguins the little boxes people hold in their hands all the time? I was sure they were called phones...." That was it, you burst out laughing, startling Yami. Poor him, he couldn't remember a single thing he had said. But you were there with the video to remind him. "I said that!?!" "Y-Yes..." You said in-between laughs. "I refuse to believe it......It can't be real........"

Ryou-You were scared, the medicine the doctors had given Ryou was making him very creepy. "Come, be my queen of darkness. We shall rule the world!" Ryou then did an evil laugh. You quickly raced out and didn't come back till it was safe. "I'm so sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to." "It's fine, as long as you're back to normal." You said before giving Ryou a quick kiss. 

Seto-"Screw the rules, I have money!" "Seto, this isn't a duel." "Shut up Mokuba, I must defeat Yugi!" Seto then flipped a bottle of toothpaste over and declared it was now in defense mode. You sighed, thinking maybe Seto took this card game too far. 

Joey-"Can I tell you a secret?" "I guess so." "I'm really the Flame Swordsman!" "Oh really?" "Watch my awesome moves!" Joey then lifted up a toothbrush and swung it in the air. You laughed at his action. When Joey found out, he wasn't shocked at all. "Guess even when I'm intoxicated I pretend I'm the Flame Swordsman." "Joey, I think you're addicted to this card game."

Atem-Pain. That's all Atem felt. Since pain medicine didn't really exist in ancient Egypt, Atem had to deal with the pain. "You going to be okay?" "I'll.....Be fine." "You should rest, you'll feel better if you rest." "Whatever you say, my queen." Atem then closed his eyes and went to sleep. And he indeed did feel better when he awoke. 

Marik-"Hey (y/n)?" "Yes?" "Do you want my millennium rod?" Now you knew the pain medicine the doctors gave to Marik were making him loopy. "No thanks." "But you're powerless without it." Loopy or not, no one calls you powerless. Later Marik was so confused about why his cheek hurt. "Did you slap me?" "You had it coming to you." "Okay then......" But Marik didn't believe you. That is, until he saw a security camera recording of him calling you powerless. Then everything was made clear to him. 

Bakura-Bakura was acting completely out of character. Must've been the pain medicine the doctors gave to Bakura. "Hi Bakura, how're you feeling." "I like my fluffy hair. Fluffy hair...." Bakura then started feeling his hair and playing with it. "Uh......I'll just leave now..." You then left, and didn't come back till Bakura was acting like his evil self again. 

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Feel free to request any character or scenario. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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