~When You're Trying To Study~

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Yugi-There was an important test coming up, and you decided you were actually going to study, for once. You invited Yugi over, hoping he'd help motivate you. At first, he was really encouraging. But then, the complaining came along. "(y/n), are we done?" That was the thirty-seventh time he had asked you in the last hour. You had had it. "You know what? Sure, let's be done!" You said while tossing your stuff to the side. Yugi's eyes widened. You sighed. "Maybe I really do need a break. Let's go watch a movie." "Sounds good to me." So you two watched a movie, followed by another. Let's just say, no more studying got done before the test. Yet you passed, congrats!

Yami-You were so stressed. A big test was coming up, and you hadn't studied at all. And then things got worse, Yami decided to show up. "Hello, how's my sweet (y/n)?" "Stressed! I'm sorry, but I'm trying to study right now. Maybe you should come back later." "So, why is this studying thing stressing you out so much?" "You know, the big test tomorrow?" Yami nodded his head. "Well, I haven't studied at all." "Oh, want some help?" "Not sure what you could do, but sure." You then let Yami into your house. "So, what do you do to study?" "Mostly you just do tons of review of what you'll be tested on." "Seems simple enough." But when you tried to study, Yami would get bored and try to change the subject. "Yami, you're not helping!" "I'm not? Maybe I should leave then...." "I'm sorry, but I must ask you to leave." "It's fine, see you tomorrow." Yami said while leaving. Then you were finally able to get to studying, which helped you pass the test. Yami, he wasn't so lucky.

Ryou-Ryou was feeling a bit lonely, so he decided to stop by your place. Sadly for him, you were in a study session when he arrived. When he knocked, you answered, looking awful. "Sweetie, you okay!?!" "Yeah." You said with a yawn. "I'm trying to study for the test that's coming up." "Would you like some help?" "Sure, come on in." Ryou then came in, and saw your mess of a study area. "Maybe we should start here." "Okay." So you and Ryou tidied up your work area. "Now that that's done, how about we actually start studying?" But to Ryou's surprise, you had passed out on the couch. He then put a blanket over your sleeping form. "Sleep well, you'll need it for the test."

Seto-"Seto, mind helping me with something?" "Depends on what it is." "I need help studying for a-" "Too busy, sorry, maybe later." "Come on, I really want to pass this test!" "And I'm sure you'll pass the test whether or not you study." "I just want to be safe rather than sorry. PLEASE!" "..........Fine." "Thanks Seto!" "Well, let's begin." "Oh, right!" You then got your things and began studying. Sadly for you, Seto's no fun when it comes to studying. "Can't we do something fun?" "Studying isn't supposed to be fun. If you want to stop, we can." "I'm not saying it's supposed to be fun but-" "What're you trying to say?" "I'm bored!" "Then let's take a break." "Yay!" Seto sighed. In the end, Seto's boring study session helped you earn a one-hundred percent on your test.

Joey-There was a huge test coming up, and being the responsible person you were, you knew you had to study. That's when you heard a knock on your front door. Now you loved Joey, but he wasn't the person you wanted to see at that moment. He's not very good at helping when it comes to school. But of course, it was Joey! You of course let him in, trying to be nice. But let's just say, you didn't get any studying done once he entered your home.

Atem-You were still trying to learn Ancient Egyptian. That's when you felt strong arms grab you from behind. "How's my Queen doing?" "Your Queen's trying to study!" "That's boring, let's go do something fun!" "What do you consider fun?" "Anything, as long as it's with you." "Then help me study." "Very well." But let's just say, the tutor couldn't stop kissing the student, so, no work got done.

Marik-You had a huge test tomorrow, and like usual, you didn't bother to study until the day before. Now you were studying like crazy, and Marik didn't like the lack of attention he was getting. "(y/n), my sweet pet, would you like to go for a motorcycle ride?" "Sorry, got to study." "In that case......" Marik then pulled out his millennium rod, and forced you to stop studying, causing you to get a C-minus on your test. Thanks Marik!

Bakura-A big test was coming up, and you were determined to pass it with flying colors. (y/n), what're you doing?" "I'm trying to study for the upcoming test." "Oh, well, why not-" "Don't try to disrupt my studying. Or I'll use my millennium rod on you!" "So, what can I do to help?" "That's what I thought."

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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