~When He Has To Move~

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Yugi-"(y/n), I have bad news." "What is it?" "I have to move. We leave in two weeks...." "No...This can't be...." "I'm afraid so..." Tears were now streaming down your face. 'I have to stop this, before it's too late!'

Yami-You were at Yami's, when you noticed tons of boxes out. "What's going on?" "I'm afraid we're moving." "What!?!" "We apparently leave in a week." "Why must you move?" "I don't know. I wish it didn't have to be this way...." 'Don't worry, Yami, I'll find a way for you to stay! I promise!'

Ryou-When Ryou came to pick you up, so you could walk to school together, you noticed that he seemed off. "Something wrong, Ryou?" "Actually, there is. Turns out, in a month, I'll be kicked out of my apparent, and will have to move back to Britain." It felt like your whole world shattered at that moment. "No...You must be playing some prank on me!" "I'm not, I'm sorry." You ran back home, while crying. 'This can't be happening! It just can't be!'

Seto-"Ms. (y/l/n), Mr. Kaiba wishes to see you in his office." "Thank you." You said, while standing up, and headed towards Seto's office. "So, what'd you-" "I have to move to America." This shocked you. "Can't I-" "I'm afraid you must stay here. I leave tomorrow morning." This was too much to take, Seto moving away!? What would happen to your relationship!? You then ran to your room, crying. 'There must be a way I can stop this, but how!?'

Joey-"(y/n), Babe, I need to tell you something important." "What is it?" "I have to move, to America." You just stood there, in shock. "Now, that's funny. What did you really want to tell me?" "I'm not joking. I leave in three weeks." "Wait, you're serious!?!" "Sadly, yes." Tears were now streaming down your face. 'This can't happen, it just can't!' I must find a way to stop this!'

Atem-"(y/n), my Queen, there's something we must discuss." "Sure, what is it?" "You know how there's a lot of trouble going on in the east?" "Yes." "Well, I'm going up there to take care of the trouble." "How long will it take?" "In your time, about a year." "So, you're practically moving away!? How could you!?" Tears were now streaming down your face. "(y/n), as the Pharaoh, it's my duty to take care of the problem." "Am I not as important then!?" "(y/n), I-" You then ran off, crying, leaving Atem all alone.

Marik-You were cooking, when Marik walked in. "Hey, Marik, I'm making your favorite meal." "We need to talk." "About what?" "I'm moving." "What!?!" "And you can't come. You must stay here in Domino City." "But...Why can't I come?" "Please, don't make this more difficult than it has to be." But, by now, you were sobbing. You left, and went to your room, where you continued to cry. Marik finished the meal for you, but you refused to eat. How could you, when you had just learned that your love was moving away?

Bakura-"(y/n), there's something I should tell you." "What is it? Something wrong?" "Kind've. I'm moving." "Why?" "The Pharaoh's moving, so, I'm moving." "Then, I'll move too." "No, you can't." "Why not?" "You have a life here. I'm not going to let you throw that away. Don't worry, we'll see each other-" You left, crying, the entire way to your house. 'Why?! Why must this happen!?'

Malik-Why would a psycho have to move? Simple, the police were on to him, and he didn't want to risk anything. Even though he could easily use his millennium rod, he didn't want to rely on magic too much. 'I've got to find a way to make it so Malik doesn't have to move!'

Jaden-Crowler was getting tried to the slifer's dorm, and planned to kick all the slifer's out of the school. That meant Jaden would have to leave Duel Academy. 'Don't worry, Jaden, I'll save you!'

Syrus-Syrus had just made it up to Ra Yellow Ranking. You were excited, but also sad. Now, you wouldn't be able to see him as often anymore. 'What to do!? What to do!?'

Zane-Zane had been asked to join the pro-leagues, his dream since he started dueling. But, this would mean that he'd have to move. 'What do I do? I want Zane to be happy, but, I don't want to lose him. So, what now!?!'

Jesse-Apparently, Jesse's old school wanted him back. They wanted him so much, that they were ordering him to come back. "(y/n), I have to move." These words pierced your heart. 'How do I stop this!?'

Chazz-Chazz had been requested to become a professional duelist, and leave Duel Academy. And Chazz's brothers wouldn't let him say no. So, now, Chazz had to move. 'I can't let this happen!'

Aster-"(y/n), there's something you need to know." "What?" "I have to move to the America's." "What? Why!?" "They want me to duel in multiple tournaments there." "How long will you be gone?" "At most, seven months." "S-Seven....Months...." 'I have to stop this, and fast!'

Atticus- Atticus had just been given a huge opportunity: To study at Duel College. It was such an honor. But, this would mean that Atticus would have to move. 'How should I be reacting to this? Should I be happy, and excited for him? Or, should I be sad, and beg him to stay? What to do!?!'

Yay, we're back to normal scenarios. But, wow, there's so many more characters to write for now. It's kind've exhausting. But, I don't mind, because, I love to write. Remember, you're free to request scenarios. And, if you didn't know, there's a Yu-Gi-Oh! Watty Awards profile. You can no longer enter stories, but, you can vote on them. And....I DECIDED TO ENTER! I don't expect to win. But, I thought it'd be fun to enter. So, yeah, I'm sure that if you look on their profile, you'll find tons of great Yu-Gi-Oh! stories. That's all for now. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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