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I'm truly sorry, but, I can't do this anymore. I can't continue this story anymore. The stress was getting to me, and... *sigh* I had to do it. I had to end this story. I already deleted everything on the computer, and, have thrown away all my notebooks, that held anything of this story. So, it's official. There's no going back.

I'm so sorry, but, I just.... I just can't keep up anymore. When I first started this book/scenarios, I was always looking forward to keep this story going. I looked forward to writing a beautiful ending. But, that's not going to happen. Again, sorry. I hope none of you are mad at me. But, I guess you have every right to be mad/sad/disappointed. And, I'm disappointed in myself as well. I want to be a writer, but, I can't even continue to write my first fanfiction. Well, now, I feel even worse, then when I started writing this. 

I hope you all enjoyed this story. Thanks, to everyone who stayed with me, this entire time.  I really appreciate it, from all of you. Anyway, that's all I have to say. I have other fanfics, for other fandoms, if you're interested. So, I guess this is goodbye. Again, thank you, and, I'm sorry. Later... I guess... *leaves to go cry, because, I'm so disappointed in myself* 

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