~When You Baby-Sit~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were babysitting for your neighbor's five year old, Tommy. When you arrived, the parents left after giving you some instructions. "Hey Tommy! How are you?" "I'm fine! I didn't know you'd bring a friend. He looks older than me, but just barely." "Uh, I'm seventeen." "You certainly don't look seventeen." You could see Yugi trying to calm himself down. "How about we just go watch a movie?" "Yay!" Yugi then turned on a show for Tommy, while you prepared his dinner. You had a fun time with Tommy, other than the age argument earlier. And you made a good one hundred dollars out of it as well.

Yami-"Babysitting? Never heard of it. Is it when you sit on people's babies?" You chuckled. "No Yami, babysitting is when you watch someone else's kids for a while." "So, no sitting on them?" "No, no sitting on them." "Understood." After the parents had left, the three year old and seven year old started acting out of control. That is, until Yami threatened to sit on them. "How many times must I tell you? No sitting on the kids!" "Right, must've forgotten...." You sighed to yourself. This was going to be a long day.

Ryou-"So, would you be willing to help me baby-sit?" "Of course." "Thanks Ryou!" You two then left to go baby-sit Mokuba, despite Seto hating the idea of you and Ryou in his house. When you arrived, you were let inside the mansion. Seto then started explaining many rules. "And lastly, don't let Mokuba get kidnapped! Understood!?!" "Understood Mr. Kaiba." "We'll make sure he's just fine and safe at all times." "He better be. Well, I must be off." Seto then left. Mokuba was well behaved the entire time. And when Seto came back, he gave you each one thousand dollars. Let's just say, you two baby-sit for Seto more often now.

Seto-You loved kids, so it wasn't a surprise when you got a job for baby-sitting. Seto didn't understand this at all, you had enough money. Why did you need any more? And of course, you insisted Seto coming along with you, much to his dismay. "Must I really come?" "For the millionth time, YES!" Seto mumbled something before the limo arrived at your destination. The parents seemed surprised, but tried not to show it. After they left, Seto pulled out his laptop, forcing you to watch the kids by yourself.

Joey-"Are you sure about this?" "Hey, you're the one who wants a new TV. Let's go!" You two then headed to your babysitting job. When you arrived, you were given your instructions. "Thanks!" You said as the parents left. "Okay, where are those runts?" Joey said while searching for the kids. It took you an hour to find them. Luckily, it was late so you could put them to bed. Of course, it took forever for them to fall asleep. Exhausted, the parents finally came back and gave you your earnings. "Is this enough for a TV?" "No, sadly. It'll take about two more earnings like this to get enough for a TV." "No fair!" In the end, Joey did end up getting his new TV.

Atem-You and Atem both wanted to feel more acquainted with the regular people, so now you were babysitting four kids for a very tired couple. "I'm sure I can do this." Atem didn't realize how hard it'd be to baby-sit. Luckily for him, you knew what you were doing, which saved your teamwork. In the end, you decided you both didn't like babysitting, and never did it again.

Marik-"This is just the beginning! First, we'll control these little brats, and then, the world!" "Marik, how many times must I tell you!?! We're not here to recruit Steve's! We're here to baby-sit!" "Almost the same thing." " Marik! That's not even-" Marik shut you up by kissing you. You kissed back, and both of you forgot about the kids you were supposed to watch. Some babysitters!

Bakura-"Why the bloody hell are we babysitting!?!" "Because,we need more money if we want to go to Disney World with the pharaoh!" Soon,you arrived at the house where you were babysitting at. "Okay, now that theparents are gone, time to send these kids to the shadow realm!" "No, Bakura, wecan't! If you do, I'll use my millennium rod on you!" "Fine...." Let's just say,babysitting with Bakura was no fun at all.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. Feel free to request any character or scenario. I have about forty episodes left until I finish Yu-Gi-Oh GX. So soon, I'll be able to add new characters. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=   

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