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  • Dedicated to Chris

After the drink incident I immediately went home, but I didn't ask Jen for a ride. She was busy flirting it up with a that I may have seen once or twice. This town, Stillton, being so small it wasn't long to get from one destination to another by foot. From Zayn's house to mine, it was about twenty minutes.

I came into my driveway and saw the light on in the living room from downstairs. It was close to eleven o' clock and usually my dad watches some of his favorite shows and when it's eleven he turns in. I waited a couple of minutes before the light was finally cut off, I could go up the shrubs and to my balcony like they do in the movies. But I actually tried that once and it did not work out the way I thought it would.

I dug in my pocket for my house key and then quietly unlocked the door. I closed it gently behind me and took off my heels so it won't make any noise going upstairs and then slipped inside my room. I turned my lamp on and looked for clothes to wear. Charlie obviously didn't listen when I specifically told her to put my clothes back. I grabbed some pajamas and took a shower in the bathroom connected to my room.

As the hot water drained every emotion I had and drowned me into relaxation all that when through my mind was that boy. He has that vibe about him that makes someone like me wonder what goes on in his mind. Everything about him is mysterious from his silence actions to his dark look to his black attire.

I went to bed as soon as I got out and watched some of my favorite TV shows until I could feel ny eyes start to burn begging to be closed and so I did, and then fell asleep.

My eyes shot open tiredly hearing the doorbell ring, I heard two voices downstairs and one of them belonged to my dad's, the other I assume is the person that rung the doorbell. I laid there for a few minutes after hearing the front door close. I got out of bed in my lazy pajamas and went downstairs into the kitchen where Charlie and my dad were sitting.

I rubbed my eyes and murmured a goodmorning to them and grabbed a bowl and cereal. "Who was at the door?"

My dad smiles and holds up a white envelope. "That was the mailman just bringing you your letter from the University of Miami."

My dad was way more excited than I was about this. I hoped for the worst and bit my lip before taking the envelope and ripped it open.

   Dear Chloe Smith,

   On behalf of the administration, I am pleased to tell you that you have been accepted to the University of Miami in August of 2013. We've reviewed your test scores...

Everything after that I didn't care to read, all my eyes were focused on were the words "you have been accepted."

"Well, what does it say?" My dad eggs on.

"I uhh...I got accepted." I smile forcefully.

"Really?" He stands up and takes the letter from my hands, I glance at Charlie who looks at me questionably. "Well this is amazing darling, I knew you'd get in. Awe man, I gotta go call some of your family members and tell them the good news."

He leaves me with the letter that I want nothing to do with. Charlie won't stop looking at me. "What?"

She shrugs and hops down from her chair. "Nothing." She then skips off.

I don't want anything with this stupid acceptance letter. All my dad wants me to do is go there and study psychology to become some therapist. Helping people with their problems was fun and I said that's something I wanted to do when I was a kid, but as I grew up I found something else that ignited me. I just never had the courage to tell my father that becoming a therapist isn't what I wanted. He just kept planning and planning for me, I could never get a word in and he seemed so happy.

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