Thirty Three;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

It was five minutes after one in the morning and I couldn't sleep. Harry was already asleep though, he was behind me with his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close. I could feel his light breathing on the nape of my neck and hear his soft snores.

I look around the room curiously, the TV was still in the same channel, but on mute. Maybe that's why I can't get aby sleep, it was too much light for me.

I carefully get out of Harry's hold making sure I didn't disturb him and turned the TV off.

His dresser drawers caught my eye. Isn't that where he keeps his journal sometimes?

If I go through his stuff I know it's an invasion of privacy and a major turn off for him I'm sure. He brings a girl home and she just creeps around his home. But I was only curious as to what else he wrote in there. Could there be something written about me?

Cautiously, I opened up his top drawer and spot the journal peeking out through some clothes.

"Chloe?" Harry stirs.

I quickly close the drawer shut and face him to see him tiredly looking around the room, I made my way back to the bed. "I'm right here, I had to use the bathroom."

"Come back over here." He says tiredly opening up his arms for me still with closed eyes. Even though he couldn't see I nod and curl into his bare chest breathing in his scent.

His arms fall around me and I feel myself finally drifting to sleep staring at  the tattoos on his chest. I decided that since Harry tells me everything that he is thinking, I won't go through his journal. If he did write anything in there about me, he either will or already told me maybe.

I wake up to Harry throwing on a shirt with his back turned away from me. He ran his fingers through his hair to get it the messy look that he loves. I slowly sit up and tiredly run my fingers through my hair. I stretch my arms out as he turns and faces me.

"Hey." He nods.

"Hi." I reply shyly before swinging my feet over the edge and hop out of Harry's bed, I still can't even believe that I spent the night here.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, thanks for...I don't know. Just thanks." I blush looking away.

He chuckles stepping towards me until he stood right in front of me. "Shouldn't I be thanking you?"


He licks his lips taking me by the wrist and pulls my body against his, with that same hand he brushes the back of my knuckles over the from of his pants, leans down and whispers in my ear, "For touching me the way you did last night."

"Oh, right." I am reminded, I clear my throat and step around him. "Well, I'll just go and get change so you can take me home."

"Woah, what's the rush?" He grips my arm.

"There isn't a rush."

"If you didn't like doing any of that shit you should've told me.  You know I would have made you stop."

"No, I wanted to. I'm just trying to get home, you should know that by now."

He smiles and then hooks his arm around my waist pulling me against his chest. " I was hoping I could return a favor."

"Oh. But we have to go."

"I only need five minutes." Harry's lips go straight to my neck and turns me around. My back hits his dresser, his hands move to the back of my thighs and he squeezes them.

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