Fourty Five;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

I roll my eyes and look away hoping they'd get the hint that I'm not in the mood to deal with their stubborn antics.

"How much you charging?" His friend breathes over my shoulder.

I step back, "Excuse me?"

"How much to have a good time?"

"I'm not some prostitute."

"Could have fooled me." He snickers.

I look down an at where I was standing, the shirt I wore only stopped st my belly button and I did have a bit of dark make-up around my eyes and to top it off, I was standing on a corner next to a pole.

"Now seriously, how much?" He licks his lips pulling out a wad of cash as he steps closer. I scoff and step back only running into his friend and before I could try to escape from any place else I feel him grab me roughly by the arms and pull me against him.

"Let me go, or I swear-"

"Shut up." He snaps digging his fingers into my arm making me wince.

"Hey, let her go!" Another man's voice shouts from behind the guy who had a strong grip on me.

I close my eyes fighting my tears as best as I could and suddenly felt his hands being pried away from me, the force was so strong that it made me stumble back and trip over my own feet causing me to fall flat on my butt.

I open my eyes to see who my saviour was, and it was Ethan. He had one of the guys; the one who was making those prostitute jokes about me against the wall by the collar of his shirt and saying words to him. And as for the other guy; the one who grabbed me, he was kneeling down on one knee wiping blood from his lips. Ethan must've punched him real good.

"You got it? Now get the hell out of here!" Ethan shoves the guy away, he stumbles but catches his self before walking away leaving his friend behind.

"You too. Let's go." He picks the guy up by his shirt as if he was as light as a pillow and shoves him in the same direction as his friend went.

He huffs fixing his self before facing me again, I'm still trying to process what just happened as he kneels down.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"N-No," I stutter gazing into his brown eyes. He offers a hand out and helps me up as a black car parks beside us. It was Harry.

"Uhm, thank you." I take my hand away and dust off my jeans.

"No problem." He furrows his eyebrows looking at the black car as Harry gets out quickly.

"What the hell are you doing?" He stands in front of me staring Ethan down.

I'm shocked vy the way he's acting and tug on the back of his gray sleeveless shirt. "Harry, stop it."

"Wait," Harry then smiles and puts an accusing finger at him. "Aren't you the bus boy who works here? The one who asked her out?"

"I don't have to answer you."

"No you don't, but I don't like the fact that you're out here with her in the middle of the night holding her god damn hand." He spits.

"Stop." I stand in front of him forcing him to look down at me. He rolls his eyes and tugs at the end of his hair looking away, I look back at Ethan.

"Thank you again and I'm really sorry you had to jump in that, bye." I give him a forceful smile, before taking Harry's hand in mine and guide him over to the car.

"Harry, he wasn't even...hey, look at me." I grab his chin and force his gaze on me instead of Ethan. I glance behind me to see Ethan going back inside Plates 40.

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