Eighty Two;

778 27 4
  • Dedicated to Chris

"From the pictures I've seen it can't be that bad, it's not the biggest apartment but I am just living there by myself. Well, until Jen decides to move in with me." Liam tells me.

"Move in?"

"Yeah, not the first year because all freshmans are supposed to be assigned a dorm room, but maybe the second year. You know? If she's willing."

"That's so sweet." I smile and he gives me one in return.

Harry was a few feet away working on a different car every now and then glancing at Liam and I.

"What about you? Have you looked around the Miami area yet?"

"Chloe, come here for a second." Harry calls from behind me, but I ignore it. He probably heard the word Miami and he didn't want me talking aboht it.

"Yeah, but most colleges are the same. All freshmans are assigned a dorm room." That's all I could think of.

"What are you studying?"


"Well how-" He started but it cut off by Harry's voice again


I keep myself from rolling my eyes and turn on the heels of my feet and go to Harry. He's staring me down as he wipes his hands off on a dirty old rag.

"I told you to stay by me." He softens the tone of his voice but makes sure to say it stern enough that I'd listen.

"I was just over there talking to Liam."

"Yeah, I saw and heard that." He walks away over to a bag full of tools and rummahe through it to find something.

I curiously look down at the opened hood of the car that he's working on. How can he even see or have then pstience to know every single last one of these metal pieces? I reach my hand out and touch one of the silver pieces and grimace.

"Ow!" I suck on my finger to be rid of the sting this stupid car gave me.

"What happened?" Harry holds me still by firmly grabbing my shoulders.

"This stupid car burned me!"

He looks at the car and then back at my finger that I was still sucking on. And then he laughs. Of all the times I wanted to see him smile, I didn't want to see it right now when my finger is red from this car burning me.

"Babe, these parts are hot. Hence the smoke." He points to a faint mist that's rising from the interior of the car.

Harry continues laughing at my foolish mistake, holding his stomach and turning red in the face laughing.

"Stop laughing at me, this hurts a lot."

He licks his bottom lip still smiling stepping closer. "Want me to kiss it and make it better?"

"Ew, no. I don't want your saliva on ny finger." I make a face.

"Oh but you don't have a problen with it when we-"

"Shut up." I put my hand over his mouth so he won't be able to finish his sentence.

I smile faintly removing my hand and wrapp them around his neck ignoring the sweat and dirty shirt. I was trying to distract myself that the two of us were in the middle of a crisis.

"Hey, let's go back to the train tracks tonight." He says putting a hand on my waist, the other he was still holding that dirty rag.

"Why?" I say.

"Just to get out of Stillton for a while, have time to ourselves. We need it."

Now that I think about it we do need a break from Stillton and I can't think of a better place than the train tracks where we had out first"date." Or at least that what Harry called it, but I don't think he even realized he said it.

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