Seventy Seven;

869 29 6
  • Dedicated to Chris

I drain the noodles and place them back in to the pot and then I do the same thing with the meat, season them, pour, the right amount of sauce in it and cut the stove down on a low so it could simmer.

I wash my hands off, dry them, and look into the living room to see the back of Harry's head, he was sloouched against the couch staring at the TV. I shake my head and look out the window right above the sink.

I didn't even know if I should be upset or blow off what Harry just said, I shouldn't be upset. Harry just spoke the truth and people always say the truth will hurt. But I just found out two things today. One, Harry doesn't love me and that thought makes my heart freeze for just a split second. And two, he isn't willing to go to Miami with me.

It's starting to make me question how much he cares about me and how much he "needs" me like all the times he says he does.

He just proved he didn't.

"Is it ready yet?" Harry is leaning against the doorway with a hand in his pocket coolly.

"Almost." I answer biting down on my fingernails watching the stove.

We stand there in an uncomfortable silence. I can feel Harry's eyes on me but I keep myself under control to not glance at him, not even once.

"Chloe..." He says my name in a soft voice, I look away feeling tears overwhelm my eyes just from hearing him say my nane.

He steps closer and I shake my head and screw my eyes together tight doing my best to maintain myself. I didn't want to cry because I didn't want to talk about this, about what he just said. I didn't want to face the truth or the possibility that he doesn't care about me. Maybe he is just using me, maybe he is just looking for something fun to play with this summer and I gave into him. This is my future on the line and he isn't trying to be apart of it, he isn't even thinking about it.

My body is shaking, I didn't realize it until I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me and pull me into it's body calming me down until I stood still.

He lays his head on top of mine and says, "We're fighting for nothing."

Nothing, that's what this argument is to him. Nothing.

Regardless, I nod and pull away from him and grab two plates from his cabinet and hand one to him. Luckily, he doesn't say a word as we begin to fill our plates up.

Moments later we're on the couch with a plate full of spaghetti, Harry switched the channel to Key & Peele. He hated this show, it didn't make him laugh like it did for me but I have a feeling that he put it on here just to lighten the mood. He kept looking over at me after every bit thdy did, but I didn't crack a smile. Not even Keegan Michael or Jordan Peele could cheer me up.

I finish my plate shortly after he did and lean back crossing my arms in front of me pulling my knees on the couch.

Harry breathes heavily with an irritated look on his face as he reaches for the remote and cuts the TV off.


"We don't have to talk about this, we're fighting for nothing. You're right."

He shakes his head and reaches for me, but I snatch my arm away as soon as he touches me. "Don't."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I roll my eyes and stand up walking away, it's smart to avoid another altercation.

"Hey," He wraps his hand around my wrist and pushes me up against the wall. I try to push him away but that didn't do any good, he was stronger than me withouth even trying.

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