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  • Dedicated to Chris

Without my consent Jen calls Liam and asks if he could come but bring Zayn and Harry right along with him tonight so we could meet up at Plates 40. I did my best to grab the phone from her but jumping on her back didn't phase her at all, but in the end I lost.

The meet up time was at ten and it was nine, luckily for me, dad was in his office when I was done getting dressed in cranberry colored jeggings, a black top, and tanned military styled combat boots. Knowing Harry was going to be there, I, well I wanted to look nice.

My hair was in loose curls and I had on a coat of mascara with a plum color coating my lips.

"Geese, you'd think you're going on a date." Jen mutters fixing her hair in the mirror beside me.

"I just want to look nice, that's all."

But that wasn't all, and the smile on Jen's face showed that she knew it too. I knocked on my dad's office door that was downstairs and called out from the other side. "I'm staying the night at Jen's house!"

"Okay darlin', be careful!"

The both of us leave and go down to Plates 40 fifteen minutes earlier then planned, but it didn't matter because when we got there Zayn, Liam, and Harry were all playing pool with smiles dazzling their faces.

"You still need to tell me what's with you and Liam." I tell Jen as we stand near the doorway.

She smiles looking across the room at him. "Oh silly little Chloe, that's our business."

"What? But I told you-"

"Jen!" Liam's voice cuts me off, we look over and see him waving us over.

I narrow my eyes at Jen before we made our way over there, Harry sits his stick down and approaches me.

"Hey." I try to sound casual, but I know my voice still shook slightly.

"Just hey? Aren't you forgetting something?" He chuckles stepping closer putting a hand on my cheek, he leans in and even though it's so tempting to meet him halfway all I could think about was Zayn, Liam, and Jen could be looking dead at us.

When Harry's lips are mere inches from mine, I swiftly turn my head and his lips end up on my cheek. I blush and swallowed the lump in my throat. "S-Sorry."

He scrunches his eyebrows together and stands up straight. "It's fine...uhm, want to get a drink?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Let's go get our own pool table." Harry takes my hand in his and leads me over to an empty pool table that seemed to be at a safe distance from my best friend, her not-yet-boyfriend, and Zayn.

Harry hands me a stick and starts to set up the balls. "I don't know how to play this, I told you that."

"Didn't you watch me the last time?"

"No, I was too busy getting pissed off by your smart remarks." I say playfully.

He smiles apologetically. "Right, sorry about that."

"It's okay."

Harry finishes and removes the triangle thing, then he puts the white ball maybe a foot away from the rest of them making it look like all of these balls were ready to attack this white one. Harry sits his stick aside and comes up behind me.

"The goal is simple, get the balls in the whole." He says in my ear.

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing, he overhears me and sighs before saying, "Chloe please, be mature here."

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