Fifty Two;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Thanks for the free food again." I smile as the brunette behind the counter takes my empty tray and wipes the counter off.

Giving me a charming smile he says, "No problem. A promise is a promise. How did your birthday go?"


In one quick motion the image of me waking up, going downstairs, Jen and Zayn knocking in the door, getting in the car with Harry, driving through Atlanta, going out in the depth of the water, strangers singing happy birthday to me, coming back home, talking to Charlie, standing outside of Plates 40 and a couple of fools trying to grab me going bowling, Harry not keeping his hands to his self, my dad showing up, everyone  

shouting, running from my dad straight to Harry, and then going home to his apartment.

"Eventful." Was the only word that came to mind.

He chuckles. "Sounds fun."

"Well," I hop down from the stool. "I have to go but thanks again, the nachos were great."

"Wait, let me walk with you." He offers and lays his hand flat on the counter before hopping over it.

I giggle. "Thank you Ethan, but it's okay. You're working anyways."

"Three minutes couldn't do much damage to my check, right?"

"I'm not sure-"

"It's just a walk."

His brown eyes were so inviting, and the amount of light caressing his strong jaw line was all too perfect.

"Alright, thank you."

"Hey, I know it's not any of my business but I just wanted to know if you were still with that guy." He stuffs his hand in his front pockets when we get outside.

"Harry." I'm tired of people referring to him as some pronoun and not by his name. My dad calls him "that boy," others who don't know him like Ethan says "that guy."

"Yeah, him."

"No, I don't." I shake my head, my good mood was slowly coming to an ending now.

My philosophy was right about Harry avoiding me, because not a single text or a call did I get from him in two days. He lied to me, he told me he needed me and he can't stay away from me but he's proving otherwise. My dad was right about me being pathetic because every moment I'd wait for a text or a phone call from him, but it never came."

"Well if it's not too soon, I was hoping if you weren't doing anything later maybe we can hang out."

I stop and face him. "Shouldn't you be getting back to work?"

He was still in his uniform and I don't much about work, but I'm pretty sure if you just leave to go and take a walk the boss will be pretty mad.

"I have a few more minutes to spare," He grins. "So what do you say?"

"Actually I am doing something later, my friend has this new shop and I'm going to surprise him by cleaning it up so he won't have to."

"Maybe I can help."

"No, I can do it." I say nicely so it won't come off as rude.

"Why not?"

"Because I..."

"I'm only going to help you clean, I swear." He puts his hands up in defense.

I don't see the problem in needing help to clean Zayn's new studio.


I tell him exactly where the shop is and tell him to meet me there in a couple hours at around four this afternoon.

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