Sixty Nine;

888 31 5
  • Dedicated to Chris

The last time my head hurt this bad was when I ran into the wall once chasing Charlie around, this actually felt ten times worse.

I could hear voices all around me, but I just couldn't make out who's voices they belonged to. My eyelids peeled open and I had to blink a couple of times to adjust to the bright lights above my head.

Where am I?

I groan bringing my hand up to my temple feeling a texture wrapped around my skull.

"Chloe?" I feel someone nudge my knee.

I'm sitting on a bed, but it wasn't mine and neither were these boring white walls. I was hooked up to some kind of device beside the bed; it was a heart monitor. And every second it'd beep showing the status of my heart rate on the screen.

I look down by my feet seeing Charlie peering up at me with an anxious waiting look. Jen, Liam, and Zayn were by my side of the bed looking down at me.

"Hey babe," Jen takes a seat on the bed right next to my hip and brushes a piece of hair out of ny face. "Are you okay?"

I nod slowly looking at everyone. "Yeah."

"Do you remember how you got here?" She asks in a gentle voice.

"Barely," My eyes widen realizing that I was in a hospital. "My dad isn't here is he?"

"Yeah, I told him you were waking up. He's outside talking to Harry." Charlie speaks up.

When I hear Harry's name, my body shuts down trying my best to remember all that happened tonight. The last time I remember seeing Harry was right after I told him to leave me alone. I need to talk to him, I should've never said those things to him.

I sit up and try to move my feet over the side of the bed, so I can hop down but Zayn stops me. "What are you doing?"

"I have to go out there."

"No, stay here. You're gonna make yourself dizzy." Zayn lays me back down on this bed.

"No, I-"

"No, I haven't heard any yelling so everything should be fine. Just stay here, you aren't gonna scare me anymore tonight." He tries to persuade me.

I nod slowly hoping any minute Harry would walk through that door, he's probably pissed off at me and the only thing on my mind was I needed to apologize to him.

The door opens and my dad walks in, but Harry isn't behind him. My father stands by my side putting a hand on my cheek smiling down at me.

"I'm glad you're okay." He says.

"Me too," I answer. "Where is he?"

I didn't even have to say Harry's name because he knew exactly who I was referring to. Without making eye contact with me he says, "He had to go."

I can't decipher what he was trying to by the tone of his voice. Does he mean go as in go someplace else? Or go as in for good?

"Can you stop him? Please?" I grab his hand and squeeze hoping he'd listen to me.

"Chloe he..."

"Ah, you're awake," A man walks in the room closing the door behind him with a bottle of pills in his hand. "I'm Dr. Silverman and I'm sorry that I have to ask you these questions right when you wake up, but it's mandatory."

"It okay."

"Do any other places on your body hurts beside your head?"

"No, not really."

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