Ninety Four;

625 24 1
  • Dedicated to Chris

I cautiously make my way downstairs overhearing my father talking quietly to someone on the phone. Out of curiosity, I wanted to know who he was whispering to in order for no one else to hear.

"You don't understand, if I see him again, I don't care how old he is I'd shove his teeth down his you not realize what he's done to my daughter..."

I can only imagine who's voice must be on the other end of that phone. I try desperately to listen and understand who he might be talking to as I keep myself out of sight. He was in the kitchen pacing back and forth from what I can tell, I leaned my back against the wall beside the doorway.

"...Why am I so pissed? Are you serious? I let you and that boy come to my house for a barbeque and I was literally he is still in town?"

Oh my God, he's talking about Ethan. That's probably Ethan's parents my fathet is probably threatening right now. As much as I am glad to hear this information, my father can't expect for me to just fall under his wishes again snd think I'd just forgive him.

"...I don't want him near my daughter, so however long he's staying here make sure he keeps his distance...Good, fine..." I then hear him in the call. I widen my eyes as I hear his footsteps heading towards my way. I quickly dash back up the stairs, skipping every two steps until I finally reached my bedroom.

Why is Ethan still here? There's literally nothing left for him to ruin of me. Maybe it has nothing to do with me anymore, maybe he's staying here or maybe he just wants to party it up a little bit before he leaves. In other words, celebrate my despair.

Party...I wonder if chances are he could be at one tonight. There aren't that many kids left in town, well the ones I graduated with and people like Ethan party every night especially in the summer. Chances are Veronica will be with him too. If I show up maybe I can get answers why this all happened. Maybe I can...wait, what I'm saying?

There's no way I'm showing up at a party all alone, I'm desperare for answers but not that desperate. The last couple of parties ended in disaster for me and I did my best to stay away from them.

But then again, I am eighteen officially making me an adult and I'm completely capable of taking care of myself. I may be alone, but I'm just as strong alone as I am when I'm with someone else.

My thoughts are hazy but there is one thing going through my mind and that is I can not leave Stillton without an answer as to why these two people wanted to impact my life so desperately. They better have a good reason.

I breathe heavily feeling my thoughts go overload. I sit down on my bed staring out at my window, I could see the branches of the only tree in the yard through my window. The tree's leaves were still a grassy green, but even the summer leaves had no comparison to Harry's jades. They were the kind of green that made me feel warm, welcomed, and joyful. Sometimes they'd get so dark you'd barely even know they were green and other times they were so bright it made you tear your eyes away as if it was the glare of the sun. That's my favorite type of green.

Time slipped into August pretty slowly, the days seemed to be longer and longer as I sat around in my bedroom doing nothing all day.

There was literally no other person to talk to except for Charlie of course and Ana if she wasn't naking plans with Sam. Other than that, it was just me. I have yet to hold a conversation with my father even though all I wanted was to yell in his face and demand him to let me go to New York, but no matter what I say or do it'll never happen.

Since I have no choice to go Miami I'm leaving on the thirteenth; classes don't start until the fifteenth but if I get there earlier then it should give me more than enough time to adjust.

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