Ninety Two;

601 21 4
  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S    P . O . V

Her words were equally as painful as taking a bullet in the chest. I step closer to her and slowly bring my arms up to her shoulders, urprisingly she lets me touch her butceases to look me eye to eye.

"You...can't be serious." I say slowly searching her eyes for resentment, I try to flash her a smile but she didn't return one back.

She nods and brushes my hands away. "I am, I can't trust you after this and I see no point of being with you if I can't even trust you."

I cup her cheeks in the palm of my hands and hover my face above hers. "Listen, I know what I did was fucked up and I'm sorry, okay? I'm so sorry."

"Are you apolozing because you mean it or just because you got caught?" She says between her teeth with tears resting in her eyes.

Again, she brushes my hands away and takes a step back on to the staircase behind her. "I mean it Harry, just leave and don't think about coming around me again. And if you are so worried about not being there for me and being able to take care of me like I'm some child then maybe I'll find another guy-"

"Stop it."

She gives me a sarcastic smile letting the image of another's man hold her burn through my skull. "Yeah, I think I'll just find someone else who can protect me and better yet he'd actually be by my side when I need him, he won't lie to me like you did-"

"Shut up!" I shout stepping closer to her face. For a short moment her confidence vanishes, but soon returns again.

"You two stood face to face and made a plan that involved me not knowing about Juilliard. Maybe I am overreacting, but this means the world to me and I had my heart set on this and I told you this. You don't have to worry about me anymore."

"Don't expect for me to stop thinking about you just because you tell me to, it's not that fucking easy!"

"You obviously weren't thinking about me when you made this stupid deal! I can't believe I wasted such a stupid wish!" She yells the last sentence to herself turning her body away ftom me.

What wish?

"Sweetheart..." Before I can say another word she gives me the saddest look and turns running up the stairs. I go to chase after her and beg her for her forgiveness, but as soon as I start up the stairs Marty grabs my arm.

"Let her be alone, you should listen to her Harry. Don't come back around."

I push him back by his shoulders and stand in his face. "You think that I'm going to leave, fuck no. It's not fair that I have to be punished and you get to still see her."

"She's pissed at me too."

"How the hell did she even find the damn letter?" I change the subject, but keep a mental note to come right back to it.

He takes a breath. "I forgot to get rid of it when we talked and earlier today I finally remembered it and threw it away in the garbage can in the kitchen."

I roll my eyes. "You're kissing right? How the hell is that getting rid of it?"

"I thought-"

"You thought wrong jackass."

"Don't try to blame this on me son, you made the deal. And I told you that if she finds out she will never forgive us."

"She'll forgive me." I shake my head and look up at the staircasr.

"Did you hear what she was saying? Did you see the look in her eyes? She will never forgive us. We messed with her future plans and if I know my little girl then I know that if you put her future at risk it's done for."

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