Fourty Six;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

I had to pretend like Harry's comment didn't send an aching between my legs even though it had a strong effect. And it didn't help me one bit when he kept purposely placing his hand on my lap whenever we both were seated waiting for someone else to bowl, like now for example. My legs were crossed and he had an arm around my shoulder and the other was resting on my upper thighs cooly.

When no one was paying attention he whispered in my ear, "You should come back to my place so I could give you a little birthday treatment."

"Maybe." I say in a hushed tone of voice.

"Don't pretend like you don't have that feeling in your jeans Chloe, I know what I do to you." He murmurs making me squeeze my legs tighter together.

"Stop it."

He laughs before focusing back on Liam as he rolled the ball. We already went through two games tonight, after we won the first one Zayn wanted to play two out of three and we were at a tie.

"I can't help but to be attracted to you tonight, especially with you wearing all of this black. I could just reach-"

"Yes!" I'm thankful by Liam's outbursts as he pumps his fist into the chair. "And that's that. Sorry ladies, but we won."

I roll my eyes as him and Zayn high-five each other, I look at the time on my watch to see it was half an hour past ten and we were the only people here. The alley was close to the closing time, I could tell by some of the workers turning off lights in the lanes and bringing out mops.

"We should get going." I slide out of the booth taking off my bowling shoes and stretch.

"Awe is the birthday girl tired already?" Zayn teases.

I roll my eyes as all five of us walk to the counter to drop off our shoes. "No, I have to get home before Charlie gets too tired. We're watching a movie."

"How is my little buddy anyways? I haven't seen her in forever." Zayn says as the lady gives us all our real shoes back.

"She hates you."

"That's one thing the both of you have in common."

I laugh sliding my converse on and waited for everyone else to slide their shoes on as well. We all walk out and I get the feeling that today was absolutely successful. I saw Atlanta, I went to the beach, I was sung happy birthday, and I'm with Harry.

"I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out. Remember the soccer game Chloe?" Jen brings up as Liam holds her hand.

I giggle feeling Harry's arm wrap around my shoulder. "Yes! He threw his tray of nachos at someone from the other team."

"Isn't that Marty?" Zayn points across the parking lot.

I stop my tracks as my eyes widen seeing my dad getting out of his car and walking furiously towards the five of us.

"You've gotta be shitting me." Harry mutters.

I remove his arm and quickly meet my dad halfway, the rapid rhythm of footsteps matched the beating of my heart. "Dad, what are you doing here?"

"I fucking knew it. I told you to stay away from her you sorry piece of shit."

"Are you gonna keep me away?" Harry shouts from behind me.

"Dad, please stop." I grab his arm and pull him back towards me with the bit of strength I had.

"God damnet Chloe, one thing. I asked for you to do one thing, are you that pathetic to disobey me for some boy?" His face turns red as he humiliates me in front of my friends in this parking lot.

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