Twenty Seven;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

My head was rested on Harry's chest with my arms around his torso and my body faced his as he lay flat on his back trailing his fingers up and down my arms leaving a path of goosebumps wherever they led.

We were watching a movie, but I was barely focusing, my attention was on Harry's steady breathing. I was so nervous coming into this bedroom, I thought I'd be fidgety and nervouse and clumsy, but Harry kissed away all my worries...literally. I've never felt so comfortable and so much like myself around someone like this before.

Even though I was sure he wasn't a virgin, it still surprised me. I could care less, it won't change anything about how I feel.

I finally sit up after a while, Harry looks at me confused. "What time is it?"

"A little after twelve, why?" He looks at the watch around his wrist.

I run my fingers through my hair. "I should get back home before my dad starts a search party."

"But you don't want to go home."

"No, but it is my one and only home." I state again before hopping off the bed.

He sighs and roughs his hair up a bit giving it that full effect before following me out of his bedroom. Halfway down the hall I feel him turn me around and back me up against the wall.

"You weren't expecting me to not kiss you before you leave, were you?" He teases propping a hand up on the wall above my head.

I giggle and shake my head. "No, I wasn't. But I thought that you'd wait until we were at the door."

"I don't have that much will power in me Chloe," He brushes a stray hair out of my face and takes my chin between his fingers.

"I was really your first kiss." He mutters, but I think he was saying it more to himself.

I flushed closing my eyes tight hoping the redness would go away just as fast as they came. He smiles before tilting his head to the side and didn't break eye contact with me until our lips met.

There was a knock on the door, I tried to break the kiss but Harry wouldn't allow it. 

"Harry...Harry, someone's at your door." I speak inbetween kisses.

"Who cares?"

The knock got louder, I finally pushed him away. "Obviously who's ever knocking."

He groans and turns away, I follow him and stand in the middle of his living room, he opens up his door revealing a man with a thick mustache and pale skin with dark brown hair in a short cut on the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Harry asks the stranger obviously angry, I don't know if it's because if he interrupted us or if he just hates him, whoever he is.

I walk over to the couch silently and grab my jacket and throw it back on.

"I was wondering if... oh, hello." The stranger's eyes meet mine.

I smile politely and wave my hand. "Hello."

"I didn't know you had your girlfriend over,"He chuckles looking back at Harry. "Actually I didn't even know you had a girlfriend."

"She's not my..."He takes a deep breath and glances back at me, I cross my arms and look away nervously. "Just tell me what the hell it is you want."

"Oh, I was wondering if you could come over and help me out with my car. Maybe it could help us bond a little bit." He says, you could tell he had an accent.

"Hell no."


"Chloe, let's go." Harry demands, I nod vigorously and follow him as he walks out of the door and locks it behind him. While he's doing that I look back at the stranger, he looks hurt by Harry's attitude so I give him my best smile.

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