Twenty Four;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

Harry showed up which wasn't a very big surprise with Liam and Zayn of course, but as soon as the trio stepped through the door I immediately ran to the bathroom leaving Jen utterly confused at first. I was still here actually, standing in front of the mirror staring at the make-up around my eyes for maybe fifteen minutes.

I expected this, but I didn't have a plan as to how do I avoid Harry. If he is worried about seeing me like I secretly hope he is then what would I say? I am trying to create some space here so it won't take a turn for the worst. In the middle of my deep thoughts the bathroom door opens and Veronica with two of her fabulous friends were right behind me. Veronica was dressed in blue jean shorts with a low cut top making me feel I was dressed more than normal in my attire.

"Chloe." Veronica sings, it was obvious she already had alcohol in her system. Either she drunk before she came here or someone brought some.

"I hope you don't mind, but I kind of crashed the party." She smiles.

Well that was obvious, Jen would be an idiot if she invited Veronica. "I see."

"What are you doing here anyways, the party is out there." She cheers.

I roll my eyes not wanting anything to do with her drunken behavior and walk pass her and her friends. I rush out straight into a hard body, and when I stumbled back a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I looked up into his dazzling green eyes and then his plastered smile.

"Hey." He says casually.

"Uh," I shake out of his hold. "Hi."

I smile forcefully before trying to step around him, but he mirrors my actions by standing in my way. "Where are you off to?"

"The party." I say hinting to the obvious facts.

"Really? Well it seems to me you've been hiding here ever since it started or should I say ever since I walked in."

"Don't get cocky here, I just needed a breather." I keep myself from rolling my eyes.


"Hm." I mock him before stepping around him again and this time he lets me go. Relieving but yet disappointing.

I step out into the main room where everything seemed to be going on and I actually smiled, there wasn't that many people and everyone seemed sober due to the fact that this bar didn't sell alcohol and the music wasn't so loud.

"Hey Chloe." I look to a pool table where Zayn was with a few other guys that I have seen but never talked to. He waved a hand over and I made my way over there.


"Come shoot with us." Zayn offers.

I raise an eyebrow. "Shoot? What are you talking about, I-"

"No, no." Zayn waves a hand. Him and his friends started laughing leaving a questionable expression on my face. "We mean play pool with us."

I begin to laugh at my own stupidity. "Oh, right. Well no, I'm not that good."

"Oh come on, we'll go easy."

I look at Zayn and his friends totally believing that they'd go easy on me, so of course I'll play.


And even though I had no clue as to what I was doing, but tried my best to remember the pointers that Harry gave me once before and hoped for the best. Apparently to Zayn's nods of approval, I was doing pretty well.

"Yes!" I pump a fist in the air laughing when I got another ball in the whole.

"Pretty good for a first timer." One of his friends complimented me.

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