Seventy Three;

839 26 2
  • Dedicated to Chris

Harry sat me down on my feet when we reached his bedroom. His tongue darts between his lips coating them with his moisy tongue as his eyes watch me. Soft fingers brush up and down my arms sending a shiver through my body as he steps closer keeping a bit of space between us. His other hand starts to move pieces of my hair to one side of my shoulder.

He was touching me, treating me so delicately as if I was a frail sugar sube that could easily crumble to pieces with a simple pinch of one's fingertips.

He leans down and nudges my head to the side with his and presses his lips underneath my ear. I sigh, his lips were always so warm and wet.

He stands up straight towering over my figure and brings his hand to the bottom of my shirt and slowly tugs at it, his eyes connect with mine for a second silently asking for permission. I nod my head in approval, he slides the material up above my head and stifles a laugh seeing my hair now a mess.

I pout playfully, as soon as I did the action with my lips he grows serious again and wraps an arm around my bare waist and in one swift motion picks me up and lays me down on the bed with his body between my legs. His lips pair with mine heatedly as his hand trails up from my stomach to my chest, he cups them with his bare hands and gives them a hard squeeze. I moan into his mouth arching my back from the bed, he took that chance to slide his hands underneath me and unhook my bra.

My cheeks flush when he removes the bra and throws it across the room, his eyes gaze down at them and I started to cover myself up but he grabbed my wrist laying them back down beside my head. He says he hates it when I hide from him, but I could never help it.

His hands hold on to my waist as he slides down a bit and brushes his lips through the space between my chest. I bite my lip looking down feeling his hot breaths hit my skin.

I lay my head back down and close my eyes feeling his lips wrap around one of my nipples, his tongue started to flick in different directions and a moan escaped my lips. This actually felt much better than when he massaged them, feeling his lips there wasn't even uncomfortable like it should've been for me.

His other hand began to tease the other makong sure to pay as much attention to the one his lips were wrapped around.

Harry hoverd back over me and brings his lips to my collarbone, I bring my arms up to touch his chest and noticed something wrong with this picture.

"Harry, your shirt." I whisper in his ear. I wanted it off, I wanted to feel his skin against mine.

"Eager?" He teases.

I roll my eyes making him laugh, but he sits up anyways, still between my legs, and reaches behind him pulling the shirt over his head. I bite my lip with fascination staring at the tattoos that covers his leaned body.

He carelessly throws it aside and brings his self back down to me as if he knew that's what I wanted. I wanted to feel his body and that's what he was allowing me to do, his lips brush against mine as he gazes down at me waiting for me to do something.

I hesitantly bring my hand up to his sides running small circles into his soft skin and start to trail them up higher. My hands roam over the middle of his stomach and up to his chest and continue to trail up to his neck, and then his jaw and my eyes stop on his as I run my fingers through his hair.

"I've waited so long for this." He whispers tenderly against my skin.

I smile faintly. "Me too."

When the two of us were finally stripped down to nothing, that's when my breathing quickened. I wasn't having second guesses, hell no.

I wanted to do this with him more than anything, but I am aware of the pain girls go through when this happens.

"You trust me?"

"Of course." I say, with no hesitation.

He nods stroking my face. "Good, close your eyes."

Trusting him, I flutter my eyes close and after a short pause I feel his lips press against mine lovingly. The hand that was stroking my face casts down to between our bodies, he lines his self towards my entrance.

He pushes his hips forward, I screw my eyes shut feeling the tip break through my walls and the further he pushes the more excruciating it gets.

His kisses cover up my whimpers, I fought back my tears trying to kiss back the best I could.

God, it felt like I was being split in half.

With a final push, he was all the way in me and I pulled away from the kiss to cry out.

"Shh, shh..." He says in my ear staying still.

I take deep breaths wrapping my arms tightly around his shoulders.

"Just think about me, okay? Only me." He whispers laying his head between the hollow of my neck.

Harry slowly pulls all the way out, and just as slowly pushes all the way back inside me. I keep my eyes shut trying to "think about him" but I just didn't understand how that would help anything.

So, I listened to his voice. His deep, raspy, and shaky it was in my ear it was. Telling me over to over that I was going to be okay, and I believed it. His lips, kissed every inch of my face and my shoulders gently leaving a trail of fire wherever they lead. As I ran my fingers up and down his spinal cord, I could feel the muscles underneath his skin jumo woth every thrust into me. Ah, now I see. Thinking about him put my mind and my body at ease, making this experience a bit more bearable.

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