Twenty Five;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"I never had many friends, just one guy." Harry takes the cup from my hand and raises it to his lips. I didn't mind, I barely even noticed.

"He should come visit."

He chuckles. "Nah, he'd be bored within twenty-four hours of being here."

"Oh, so you think Stillton is boring?" I cock my head.

He shrugs. "Somewhat, but then again I've never been to any place that excited me before."

"Do you really think England was boring?" I ask not sure if I quite believed him.

He nods. "Yes I do, it's probably five percent better than Stillton. Maybe four-point-five even."

I press my lips in a line, I liked Stillton. It's not much but it's my home and the place where I grew up in, I could never learn to hate it. But there wasn't a lot of excitement going on, I guess you could say which is at the top of my very very short lost as to why I want to get out of this town.

"That doesn't bother you, does it?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No. Anyways, Jen has been my only friend. Zayn too."

"What's the deal with you and Veronica?"

I shake my head looking at the black haired girl across the room who was chatting it up with sone guy. "Ask her, she's the one who hated me first."

"Hm, maybe she envies you."

"Envy?" I laugh at the idea.

"Yeah, obviously you're way more hotter than she is in the looks department and you talk with your mouth mostly, who knows what she's done with hers."

I cover my mouth to muffle the burst of laughter that sprang out upon me. Harry joins in a few seconds later before taking my face between the palm of my hands and kisses me, when he pulls away I'm still laughing but do my best to calm myself down. "What was that for?"

"Does there have to be a reason for everything?"

"Well you're the one that told me there is." I tease.

He playfully rolls his eyes before standing to his feet and grabs my hands. "Very funny, now let's go for a walk. It's getting kind of crowded."

In the last two hours or so Harry and I have been sitting on this couch, it has been getting a bit more crowded by the minute and my best guess is that they were uninvited but saw a party and decided to come. I nodded and let him pull me up to my feet, I hide the butterflies in my stomach when he doesn't let go until we get outside and he stuffs them in their from pockets, I just wrap my arms around me.

"You have a lot of tattoos." I mention staring at the ones on his arms, and the v-neck he wore showed a few on his hairless chest.

He smiles. "I know, do you like them?"

"Well I never met a guy with that many tattoos."

"Truth be told, you never met a guy like me."

"Yeah." I admit. "Do they have a meaning?"

He sighs heavily. "I'm pretty sure this is the part where I tell you that the birds on my chest reminds me of the time when I went in the park as a kid and saw two doves side by side or this pirate ship reminds me of some fucking dream I had, but it's not. There is no interesting background, I got them just because. Sorry for being so boring."

I cocked my head to the side looking down at my feet, usually when people get something as beautiful as turtle doves or a pirate ship it has some kind of meaning, but Harry wasn't like those people, not even close.

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