Twenty Six

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  • Dedicated to Chris

The only place that came to mind, the one and absolute place where I know where I wanted to be knowing there won't be any confusion was the dance studio. As I sat here with my back again the wall and my knees curled up to my chest my head was laid on my knees.

It was quiet, semi-dark, and peaceful I was done thinking, I just needed a place that was silent.

How dare he tell me what's right and what's wrong, he should be the first to know that I am careful in the paths that I choose and can he not notice how much happier I've been ever since Harry came to Stillton? He assumes that he is bad news when he never even held a conversation with him. I wish things were a bit easier for me, I wish that I would've told my dad I don't want to be a therapist sooner and that could've been a key to my independency that he won't allow me today.

"I know what I want, I'm not foolish." I say aloud just to assure myself, because I was starting to see  things from both my dad's point of view as well as my owns right now, I am a bit conflicted.

"What do you want?" A voice brings me to lift my head up. It was no surprise that it was Harry, it probably wasn't a good idea to see him right now, but I am relieved to see his curly hair and goofy smile nonetheless.

When I didn't respond he squats to be face to face with me and repeats his previous question. "What do you want Chloe?"

"I honestly don't know Harry."

He smiles and nods moving to sit next to me. "Yeah you do, but you don't want to say it out loud."

He had a point. "You probably shouldn't be here right now."

"I'm not scared of him, I'm not going to lie, the way he stared at me last night could've made me coward away, but I didn't. And I'm not going to."

"You kind of scared me last night, I thought you were going to..."

"Fight him?" He finishes.

"Well...yes. You weren't going to, were you?"

He chuckles and licks his lips, but never answers my question and that almost made me worry.

"What did he say to you?" He asks changing the subject.

"Everything I thought he'd say, he told me you weren't any good news and I'm acting like some kind of delirious teenager and I was wasting my time."

"Do you think you wasted your time?"


"Good, me either."

I smile faintly before running my fingers through my head. "I feel like this is my fault though, I should have never even lied to him about you, about studying to be a psychiatrist and now things are a mess right now. I just wish he'd trust me, that's the main thing. He yells at me like I'm pregnant and I don't know who the father is, he should know me more than anybody."

"Shh, baby." By now I was in tears, and being Harry he wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him rubbing circles in my back.

This was so embarassing, I don't look like some actress in a movie when I cry. Being in his arms seemed like just what I needed because already I was starting to feel like ny worries were starting to wash away. My dad can tear us apart but it's no secret to me that this feels like where I'm supposed to be, in his arms.

I pull away and wipe my cheeks looking down at his shirt that was drenched in my tears. I roll my eyes. "Sorry, I look like an idiot."

"No, you don't."

"Whatever." I sigh heavily and lay my head back against the wall.

"What's wrong?"

"I do not want to go back home."

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