Eighty Nine;

624 19 2
  • Dedicated to Chris

This can't be happening, when we were in middle school we always spend time talking about the correct way we would say goodbye to each other. The error with this departure is that it was unplanned and unsaid. There's no way she could've just up and left without seeing me, I knew she was mad at me...but not saying goodbye? Without a note, an explanation, a call? Nothing.

My eyes began to burn with the sensation of my own tears. "B-But...we talked about this, we said we'd spend the night together if one of us leave early and say goodbye the next morning. How could she just..."

"She's hurt Chloe." Zayn gives me a sympathetic look.

I lower my head and do my best to keep myself from crying. Those words that she said to me out of spite and hatred she meant, she doesn't want anything to do with me. If I were her, I wouldn't want anything to do with me either.

"I would've told you, but she told me not to. I'm sorry." He apologizes.

There was no need for him to apologize, out of three people standing in this room there was only one person to point the figure at and that was me.

Standing there, the only thing going through my mind was that I had a friend and then I lost a friend. It happens in life, sometimes unexpectantly like now. Jen is in Atlanta now with the guy of her dreams and as a friend, I'm going to smile for her because despite what happened she's continuing to move on and looking pass the negativity in her life including me.

"Is she doing okay?" I ask feeling Harry's presence from behind me, his hand held my left hip almost as if he was ready to hold me just in case I was going to cry. But I wasn't going to.

"The last time I saw her was the day before she left, but she seemed to be doing a bit better. Her parents are still shooken up with those pictures and knowing she isn't a virgin but she's doing okay I think. Liam too."

I nod slowly and shake my head trying to get over the horror that my best friend left me alone with no warning. "Well, at least she's okay and it seems like so are you. The place is amazing, I know I already said it but still..."

"Thank you, I didn't just ask you guys to come to see the place. I actually just learned a piece of music and I wanted to play it for you." He says walking pass Harry and I and over to the keyboard.

I turn around to face Zayn and Harry moves behind me wrapping his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He whispers.

I nod. "Just shocked, but I think I'll be alright."

As Zayn starts to play around with the keyboard Harry kisses the side of my neck getting my attention. "You can't lie to me, I see right through you."

I shake my head and slightly turn my head to look into his eyes. "I think as long as I have you and Zayn, I'll be okay. I can't bare with the thought of losing you."

Instinctively, he presses my body closer to his. "I'm not going anywhere, that's the least of your worries. You should know that."

I smile faintly, but still didn't quite believe it.

"I'm sorry, I know how much this is getting to you and I promise as soon as I find out where Ethan-"

"Don't get yourself into a fight over a stupid mistake I made. I'm tired of everyone around me being effected for choices that I'm making." My demeanor changes instantly.

"I'm not doing it just for your benefit, Im doing it for mine-"

"Ethan probably isn't even in Stillton anymore, after he ruined my life he probably packed up his shit and left for college just like every other person here who graduated."

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