Fourty Four;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Come on, there's a shack just up the beach."

We both walk out of the water and Harry leaves me alone to go borrow a towel from Liam. As I grab my canvas bag where I left it I'm smiling without even realizing thinking today is if not one of the best then the best day of my life.

I grab the towel and wrap it around my a shoulders and then wondered the beach in search of the girl's restroom. I then found a small brick long building. The girl's symbol was on side and thr boy's was on the other.

I went inside the restroom intended for my gender, of course, and found an empty stall and changed out my clothes now wearing a pink tank-top and a pair of jean shorts that were distressed at the bottom.

I ring out my hair a bit and let it fall over my shoulders and then walk out putting the bag over my shoulder.

"Ow!" I hold my arm after feeling a sting, I looked down at my feet to see a football.

"Sorry, I told him not to throw it so hard " A guy runs up to me and picks up the ball. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I brush off the stinging on my shoulder.

"Oh, Chloe? Hey, it's me, the guy from Plates 40." He smiles at me, when I finally took a good look at him, I recognized him as the guy who works there.

"Oh hi. I didn't know you knew my name."

"I've told you, I've paid attention to you in school, but you noticed those books more than people."

"Big coincidence that the both of us are here, huh?"


"Some might even call it fate."

He's very upfront about things," I gotta go, my friends and I are about to go and get lunch."

"Okay cool, wait you never did answer my question about that date."

"I can't."

"But you aren't dating anyone."

"When you asked me I wasn't."

"I asked you like five days ago." He laughs.

"Look, I really have to go, but it was nice seeing you again..."


"Ethan, well bye." I smile politely and go around him walking back to where Harry and I just were, he was putting his all white shirt on.

"There you are, where'd you run off to?"

"I was changing." I hint back to the bathrooms.

"Oh. Jen, Liam, and Zayn are already at the shack. I was waiting for you, I didn't want you to get lost."

"You didn't have to do that." I say as we slowly start walking to the shack side by side.

"It's fine."

It goes quiet after a while, I didn't know what to talk about or bring up to form a kind of conversation and so instead I just looked out at the water.

We get to the shack and go inside, it wasn't overcrowded. Everyone was in a booth when we got there and I was happy to see Liam and Jen sitting next to each other with his arm around her, when we reached the table I gave her a look telling her "tell me everything later" and she nods.

Zayn decided to bring a girl along, it was one of the blonde girls that he was with earlier and I don't blame him for using her today. It seems like everyone here was paired up for him and he just needed some reassurance.

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