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  • Dedicated to Chris

I could feel Jen toss and turn waking me out of my slumber, I peeked my eyes open but shot them closed when the sun was directed to them due to Jen's blue curtains being wide open. I slowly sat up checking her alarm clock, it was around nine a.m. and I still felt tired. After Plates 40 Jen and I came back to her house, ate a snack while watching some movies, and went to bed at around two in the morning.

I heard a phone vibrate on her nightstand, but it was her phone. She groaned sitting up, her hair a mess and her eyes still closed.

"What?" She answers making me laugh. I get out of the bed and go to her bathroom down the hall. I come here on a regular basis, this house has become a second home to me. So I have clothes in Jen's drawers, and a toothbrush here in her bathroom.

I wash my face, brush my teeth, and throw my hair into a bun before going back to Jen's room.

"Okay, I can try...bye." Jen hangs up the phone with a confused look.

"Who was that?" I ask.


"Harry? I didn't know you guys exchanged numbers." I don't know why the thought of them giving each other's numbers was annoying me, but it just was. Why would he ask my best friend for her number, but not mine?

"We didn't, he says he got it from Zayn. Are you kidding me? Why would I ask for his number when you clearly like him and I have Liam."

"I don't like him." I mutter.

"Pfft, yeah. And Channing Tatum doesn't make a good looking stripper in Magic Mike." She recalls the movie we watched after we got here.

I press my lips in a line. "So what did he want exactly?"



"Well he says he wants to talk to you, he says meet him in the alley...what the hell does that mean?"

I think long and hard about "the alley" but almost nothing came to mind, the only alley I knew was the one that leads to...the studio. He says the alley instead of studio so Jen wouldn't find out. The thought was kind.

"Oh, I need jeans or something." I mutter before going over to her drawers and look for some of my clothes that I possibly left here.

She gasps. "You really aren't just going to go see him in an alleyway, are you? I mean didn't you learn this shit in elementary school."

"Jen, I know it sounds really weird-"

"Strange would be a better word for it."

"But it's not what you think, I can't explain it but he's not meaning to make it sounds like the way you're thinking it." I take off my pajama pants and pull on a pair of skinny jeans.

"You are unbelievable, I hope you aren't keeping anything from me."

I stop my actions looking at her. Not telling her about Juilliard and this dance studio Ana graciously gave me is bothering me, everyday. I tell Jen every little thing even if it's not that important, I'll still tell her and in turn she does the same for me. But these things I want to keep to myself, because I don't even know if I will be able to go to Juilliard and it's only a matter of time before I have to abandon this dance studio.

I sigh and put a hand on her shoulder and say these two sinful words, "I'm not."

"What the hell was your problem with me last night?" Harry approaches me as soon as I turn the corner. His hair was pushed back like always and he had in his black jeans with a gray short sleeve shirt.

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