Thirty Two;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Do you want to take a shower now?" He laughs seeing me red in the face, he literally saw me drooling over his figure.

"Y-Yeah." I stand up from the bed, but pause looking at him. "But I was just wondering...can I see your tattoos?"

He darts his tongue out coating his lips leaving them wet and nods. "Yeah."

I slowly pad over to him, our eyes locked the entire time and I stopped less than a foot away from him. I bit my lip letting my eyes rake his body, the first thing that caught my eye were the turtle doves I've only seen their tiny little heads peeking out from Harry's unbuttoned shirts or v-necks. And the butterfly right in the middle of his chest wasn't hard to miss, I giggle at how random the tattoo was as I shoot my finger out and traced the pattern with my index finger.

The design and the detail in the butterfly's wings were spot on. I pathed my hand slowly up and over his peck to his shoulder blade where there was a tattoo in big black letters and numbers, I followed my hand to his biceps where there was a heart, a pirate ship, more writing...he had more on his wrist as well, his inner arms and on his side. I liked all of them, I don't think I have a specific favorite, but the turtle doves were really nice.

I glance up into his waiting eyes in the middle of going over the tattoos, I pull my hands away and apologize, "Sorry."

"Don't be." He assures me and flicks his head to the aide so his hair won't be in his face too much.

"I'm going to take a shower now." I say and gather the clothes he gave me and stalk off to the bathroom.

I am getting sleepy, I haven't been this up so late for a few days now and I don't think my body is used to it now and I sure as hell wasn't going to force it to. So I quickly strip out of my clothing and step into the bathrib turning the water on a temperature I was comfortable with.

Usually hot water tends to wake me up, but apparently not tonight. After washing myself including my hair and my face I dry myself off.

When I put on Harry's dark blue shirt that he wore today, it stopped in the middle of my thighs completely covering the boxers. I felt almost naked, but the good thing about this shirt is that it smelled like him.

I gathered my clothes and hold them close to my chest and walk out. Harry was seated on the edge of the bed watching the TV.

"Where can I put these?"

"Just throw them on the floor until morning." He answers finally looking at me and doing a double take. His eyes light up and his slouch position soon straightens up.

I sit them on the floor in the corner and stand back up straight crossing my arms in front of my chest, I couldn't read his expression and I was starting to feel not so confident in these clothes.

"Come here." He speaks softly.

My feet cross the floor until I am standing in front of him, he pulls me closer by the hem of his large shirt so I now stood inbetween his legs.

"Let me see you." He unwraps my arms and puts them firmly down my sides. His green eyes that seemed darker due to the darkness and the little light coming from the TV began to take me in.

I swallowed hoarsely and fidget with my fingers. Harry grabs the both of my hands and pulls me down, I straddled his lap and when he lets go of my hands I place them on his chest to hold me steady.

"Why didn't you kiss me goodbye this morning?"

I was hoping he'd forget about that. I shake my head not coming up with an answer.

"Was it because I fingered you? You didn't like it?"

I wince a bit at his descriptive vocabulary, he is all too comfortable when talking about these things. I'm, of course, not used to it at all.

"No, I...I enjoyed it." I admit.

"Then why did you run?"

"I didn't run."

"You didn't give me a chance to ask you what happened before you were already out of the car and down the street." He inputs.

I roll my eyes. "I don't know, I was just a bit weirded out. That was my first sexually active experience. I'm not sure how to act after all of that."

"I understand, you are a virgin after all. Just next time give me that kiss." he holds my chin between two of his fingers and leans in until our lips meet.

In a matter of seconds it grew hungry and feverish quick, he bites down on the bottom of my lip and I gladly open up to him letting his tongue invade my mouth. His hands squeeze the back of my thighs causing a moan to escape my lips, but his mouth covers mine and completely swallows it. I feel his fingers trail up and fall underneath his massive shirt I was wearing and brush over my crotch.

"Would you let me touch you again?" He breathes against my mouth.

I nod  already feeling heat rise throughout my body just from his voice.

"You have two choices here Chloe. I can touch you,"

He speaks again and not to my pleasure he removes his hand and brings it up to hold one of mine's that's on his chest and brings up over the front of his pants making me feel a bulge within them. "Or you can touch me."

I breathed heavily looking down at our hands. I wasn't sure, Harry touching me again like last time was something that I really wanted right now. But then again, I want to return a favor for him, a huge way to say thank-you.

Ever since this boy; this curly haired shirtless boy who's lap I was sitting on with his shirt on has opened my eyes to bigger and better things in my life, and I am still learning about those things, but Harry knows exactly what to say and it warms my heart. He's like an opened book.

Harry lets go of my hand, but I keep it where it was. Even though he didn't say anything. I think he wants me to touch him and not the other way around. But I'm not even sure how or what to do exactly.

He brings his hand up to my neck and nudges my head to the side to attack my spot above my collarbone. He bites down and sucks the skin inbetween his teeth. He kisses the spot lightly as if to make the slight sting go away and trail wet kisses up to my jawline and suck on my earlobe.

"I saw the way you looked at me when I stepped out of the shower. It's okay to be curious."

I slowly push him away, at first he is confused and opens his mouth to speak but I kiss him hard and start to make slow movements over the growing bulge in his pants. He slowly leans back until he is lying down flat with me still straddling his waist.

He moans into my mouth and I took that opportunity to slide my tongue in with such ease, he tried his best to make the kiss more feverish by biting my lip, but I wouldn't let him. I don't know how to be rough.

I place light kisses along his jawline causing him to sigh. I pushed him back further until he now laid on his back, he seemed surprised by my actions. Hell I even was. I grip him through his pants and go at a faster pace, he closes his eyes and moves his hips into my hand. I lean down to muzzle into his neck, he moans as he holds my waist.

"Oh shit." He groans digging his fingers into my sides.

My other hand is placed on his chest and I feel his heart thumping through chest.

I feel something warm and wet spread through his boxers as he grunts, his whole body stiffened underneath me and his eyes screwed tight.

I sit up looking down at him waiting for him to say something.

He laughs out of breath and miraculously tugging at the end of his hair. "Damn, I never came like that. Not from a hand job."

I don't know if I should be offended or honored by his comment, but I don't make a big deal out of it. This is probably the second time he mentioned the times he's been sexually active with other girls it was annoying and I wonder if he notices the things he says.

I smile softly and remove myself from his body and sit beside him, he sits uo and stands to his feet opening up a drawer geabbing a new pair of boxers.

"Urm, I'll be back." He holds a goofy smile looking down at the front of his pants and goes to the bathroom.

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