Twenty Three;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"These nachos are to die for." Jen says sticking a cheesy chip into her mouth and at the same time nodding her head to the music.


"What's wrong with you?" She asks wiping her hands off on a napkin. We agreed to meet up with each other at Plates 40 at twelve and now here we are, I was expecting her to tell me all about Liam or whatever. I really wasn't in the mood to socialize but then again I never am.

"Charlie's acting weird. Last night she completely lashed out on me."

"She always does that."

"Yeah, but it was different last night."

"Different how?" She pops another chip into her mouth.

I argued to myself to tell her every detail including the part where she called her a slut. "She just was, but I guess she just wants to hang out with me a bit more. I am leaving after this summer."

"Oh that reminds me, my letter from Atlanta came." She grins fron ear to ear.

"You got in?"

"Yes!" She squeals and claps her habds together, despite the smile on my face I wasn't excited, not one bit. Why? I don't know, but I guess it's because she's the only friend I have and we're going to be parting ways sooner than I can imagine.

"Why aren't you clapping?"

I shake my head. "I'm happy for you, really."

"Good, I'm throwing a party tomorrow night to celebrate. It's going to be here, and don't worry I'm not inviting that many people."

"Yeah right." I scoff. Harry raced through my mind at that moment, what if he's there? I'm trying to avoid him, for real this time.

"I don't think I can go." I say.

"What? Chloe, you should be happy for me right now. I got accepted to the University of Atlanta, you have to come to this party. There's no point in having it if my one and only best friend won't be there."

"I just..." Whether I wanted to keep away from Harry or not, Jen is my best friend. I can't not go to her party because of this one guy. "Okay, I'll be there."

"Good, besides I'm inviting Harry."

"Please don't." I beg.

"Don't? But I thought you guys were into each other."

"Yes, I think. Well I'm into him."

"Will you stop doubting the possibility that he likes you, he does. Point, blank, period."

"Well even if he does it could never happen. Look, just don't invite him."

"I don't want to be rude. He's new here and if I invite Zayn and Liam then of course Harry will come, they are friends." She points out holding a chip in the air.

I groan putting my head on the table. "This is so not the summer I was expecting."

"Everything will be okay, trust me." Jen's words reminded me of what Harry says.

I keep quiet and take a chip from her plate.

After about half an hour of just sitting here we decided to get up and go to her house together, she calls whoever is going to the party and call after call she made as I sat there on her bed I couldn't help but feel like I'm a huge loner. I knew she had other friends than me, but I just didn't know how many.

"Great, I'll see you then." She hangs up and starts dialing yet another number on her phone.

I arched an eyebrow. "You remember when you called me your one and only best friend like an hour ago?"

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