Eighty Seven;

658 24 2
  • Dedicated to Chris

When a whole week goes by and there's no sign of Jen, that's when I started to believe that when she mentioned she was done with me, she actually meant it. Yesterday, I tried knocking on her door but she didn't answer and instead it was her parents. They didn't want to see me as much as Jen did, but unlike her they were more polite about my presence.

"Maybe you should go home, it's not a good time right now." They said.

And so I left, what other choice did I have? I can't force her to talk to me.

Zayn called and asked me what happened personally and so I told him, I cried over the phone with him for hours blaming myself out loud and all he did was shush me and say it wasn't. But the hesitation in his voice proved that I did but he was just too nice of a guy to say the words out loud.

He was getting busier and busier by the minute with studying new music and spending time on his shop, and I have yet seen Liam, even when I went to go see Harry at his job he wasn't there. The only spare time I had, the only person I could spend it with was Harry and even though he can make me smile at any time I was still missing these three other people. But hours when I wasn't seeing Harry, I started packing.

I started with all of my winter clothes since I wouldn't need them anytime soon and went ahead and folded them in one of the suitcases, I followed up with my new bed sheets that I purchased the day Jen took me to Victoria Secret, and then a few pairs of shoes, surprisingly I still had a lot of room left over. I realized that stripping your room and packing it away, you start to find things that you've forgotten about but they still manage to make you smile. Like pictures, a bracelet that your crush gave to you in elementary school, or a postcard. In the back of my closet I had this journal, not like Harry's. Since I was in middle school at the time, it was purple with a lock on it.

Unfortunately, the lock was clicked and I lost that key a long time ago. I open my dresser drawers hoping to find anything to break it open with.


"Yeah?!" I answer n myy father's call from downstairs.

"Harry's here!"

Not only was it weird to hear that Harry was here at my house, but it was also weird with the casualty in my father's voice as if it wasn't the guy he hated most in the world. I leave out of my room still holding my journal and look from the top of the stairs to see Harry standing there whispering to my father.

"What are you doing here?" I ask slowly making my way downstairs. The two of them look up at me, clearly shooken up, and Harry licks his lips.

"I came to see you."

I glance at my father to see if he was actually okay with this and he seemed to be, he wasn't even frowning. "Uhm, okay?"

"Living room or backyard, nowhere else." My father warns the two of us before he walks away and goes inside his office.

"What just happened?" I asked Harry. "What were you two talking about just now?"

He shrugs. "Nothing, he was just warning me not to do anything he wouldn't like to see."

"Yeah, but...I didn't know you guys were on mutual grounds."

"We aren't," He says quickly. "Well, not entirely. We've just decided to put up with each other."

"Oh, but when did you two decide-"

"Let's go out back, the sun's out today." He suggests.

I decide to ignore his nervous behavior and slowly take his hand and lead him to the backyard, we walk over to the swing seat that was hanging from the ceiling of the porch. He sits down and pulls me onto his lap sideways as he wrapped an arm around my back.

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