Fourty One;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"What are we going to do for Chloe Smith's birthday?" Zayn calls me later on that night.

I laugh shaking my head. "Please, no more birthday talk until the day of."

"No can do, I need to know right now what you are craving for on the day of all days."

I sigh. "I don't know, hair stuff?"

"What makes you think I know anything about hair?"

"Zayn, no offense, but you pay more attention to your hair than I do." I say making him laugh on the other end.

"Hair stuff. Got it. What do you want to do?"

"What are you some kind of party planner?"

"Yes, and this is going to cost you a whole lot of money and I may just charge you extra from this attitude of yours."

I laugh shaking my head. "What's Jen up to you?"

"I think she went to bed early, it's been a long day for her. Liam and her got into a fight I think. All Liam told me was he's just confused and needs a bit of space."

"Oh, I should call her."

"No, she's sleeping. Now tell me what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, you figure it out."

"Okay." He goes silent for a while and I hear him write something down.

I furrow my eyebrows. "What did you just write down?"

"Strippers, a string of cheese, and  a koala bear."

"What? You know what, I'm not even going to ask."

He chuckles, "Just kidding."

I lay on my bed flat on my back staring up at my boring white ceilings.

"Why does Harry get so pissed when I just play around with you?" Zayn brings up.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act like you don't notice it."

"I guess he just doesn't like it."

"Well he shouldn't be jealous, I knew you way before he did. I was the first guy that loved you after all,"

I'm guessing it's words like this that makes Harry mad and I didn't realize how deeper they sounded then intended until now.

"You and Jen were the first ones to love me, besides my dad."

"And your mom." He adds.

"Zayn, don't."

"I know you hate talking about her, but you can't deny the fact that she loved you. There's no way she could've thought she wasn't a fit enough parent, from what I can remember she made you happy, she was financially stable and she didn't touch a drug. Everything is weird to me, you know?"

I press my lips in a line going back to the day I came home to find my mom gone. "Life is weird Zayn."

Everyone went to sleep early, that fishing trip must've worn them out. I zip up my jacket before peeking into Charlie's room to see her sound asleep. I actually missed her annoyance these two days, it made me realize how much I could actually miss her if we ever parted.

I go over by her side scraping the hair out of her face revealing her features that were a spitting image of mine's and kiss her temple before going out of the door.

The dance bag hit my hip with each step I took as I headed down and pass the library, Harry was standing there looking down at his phone. I fix my ponytail and my clothes before making my way over to him.

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