Seventy Six;

856 27 2
  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S     P . O . V

I climb off of her standing at the edge of the bed and watch as she fixes the boxers she's wearing. I offer my hand out to her. She reluctantly takes it and I help her off the bed.

"You still aren't going home right? I mean, I'm not looking for another argument but I don't want you there. Because if you come to me with another red mark on your cheek, I'm telling you not even you will stop me from beating the hell out of him."

"Harry..." She sighs.

"I'll take you back tomorrow, just stay with me for today. We can stay in our pajamas, watch TV, we can argue, watch TV, eat Ramen Noodles, watch TV, and if you aren't too sore...maybe later we can relive last night all over again." I bite my lip hopefully letting my hands trail down to the side of her hourglass figure.

She holds her head down letting her hair fall down the side of her face, I was still able to make out her red cheeks.

She's been over here a lot, but she'd only stay the night or be here for a couple hours of the day. She's never stayed morning to night before. But it still felt like we lived together sometimes, we'd get so caught up in some of our favorite shows sometimes I'd forget we didn't live together.

"Alright, I'll stay." She gives in.

"Until tomorrow?"

"Until tomorrow," She confirms. "But I want to watch a movie."

"I'm picking."

"No, I get to pick. Every movie you pick is scary."

I laugh taking her hand in mine and lead her down the hallway. I don't watch scary movies, but whenever she's over I purposefully push one it just to see her curl her knees up to her chest and peek through her fingers that covered her eyes when something frightens her. It was entertaining at how timid she gets.

"Well I'm not going to watch some bullshit movie you pick." I let go of her hand and sit down on the couch switching the TV on and try to find a good movie the both of us might enjoy.

She sits beside me and looks at the screen as well trying to find a good movie. "Ooh, Mean Girls 2."

"Hell no."

"It's not a romance."

"No, but it's still for girls. So therefore, no."

She rolls her eyed and focuses back on the screen, I grin stopping on a movie. The Abduction.

Chloe narrows her eyes at me. "Why do I get the feeling you only want to watch that movie because of Lily Collins?"

"Because it's true." I tease her with a smug grin and click play.

Chloe shrugs and leans back against the couch curling her knees up to her chest. "Well I wouldn't mind staring st Taylor Lautner for the next hour. Hopefully there's a few shirtless-"

"Let's watch a different movie." I feel fire seep through my veins, it must've sounded ridiculous for me to get angry over Chloe drooling over some actor in TV, but nonetheless I pick a different movie.

I stretch my arms out and open my eyes realizing that I fell asleep, I skimmed the TV seeing the credits of the movie I picked out playing.

"Mm." Chloe moans, she was curled up on top of me with her laid down on my chest. I was on my back and my arms were wrapped around her.

She didn't even crush me, that's how small she was compared to me. I wrap my arms tighter around her not wanting her to go anywhere, I wanted to stay like this for as long as I can.

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