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  • Dedicated to Chris

Awkward wasn't even a good enough to word to satisfy this situation as Harry drove me back home, I wanted to stay a bit longer but I really needed a shower.

Harry reaches his hand over and rests his hand on my thigh, I flinch. "What's wrong with you?"

Nothing, but just the simple fact that your hand is resting on my thigh and all I can imagine is what you just did to me earlier. I shake my head when he pulls his hand away and sets them back on the wheel. "Nothing."

He continues driving until we are parked in front of the studio. He turns to me and leans in for a kiss, but I smile and open up the door. "Well bye."

Leaving him confused, Iquickly leave out of his car before he has a chance to do anything else that could cause me to be any more awkward than I already am. I walk down the street until I get to my house, when I get there my dad is on the front porch sitting.

I furrow my eyebrows walking up the steps. "Dad, are you okay?"

He nods with a sigh. "Yeah."

"Are you sure?" I ask tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

He nods again. "Yeah."

The short answers were bugging me and although I was focused on not speaking to him, the look on his face made me forget all about it. I examined him for a moment before finally nodding and opened the door going straight to Charlie's room.

"Hey, you didn't say anything to dad did you?" I ask just to be sure.

She shakes her head playing with her dolls. "No, he's been like that all morning. He asked earlier if I knew where you were and I said you were with Jen, but if you ask me I think he knows you're seeing him."

My eyes bulge. "You think so?"

"Well he knows something. You can tell by the look on his face, I can keep covering for you but I think daddy knows you're still lying to him." She whispers fixing the clothes on her doll.

I lean against her doorway with a heavy heart feeling like I've betrayed my father. He trusts me and now look at what I'm doing to him, but doesn't he think that things would be easier if he would stop being so judgemental and open up to Harry and look at other possibilities instead of hating him from the jump.

I turn and head up the stairs, when I get into my bedroom I get a text from Zayn.

I opened it. *Party at my house, R you coming?*

I laugh shaking my head. *Don't I always?*

*Haha, & don't worry, it's only going to be me, you, Jen, Liam, & Harry.*

Well that's a change, thank God. No loud music, multiple conversations, and the smell of sex and alcohol. Just me and some good friends.

I throw my phone aside and went to the bathroom to take that shower now, as the water ran down my body I relived that moment again. I can not believe any of that just happened, I'm not even sure how to feel. I wonder if Harry noticed I was acting strange back in the car, of course he noticed I almost tripped when I got out. Keep in mind I just had my first kiss a few weeks ago and today I think I've just been...oh my goodness.

Tonight, I was feeling good and call me crazy I almost felt refreshed but my mood switched when I went downstairs to see my dad slumped on the couch with the same look as just a few hours ago, he was breaking my heart here.

"Hey," I smile hoping it'd cheer him up, it didn't work. "I'm going to go and see Zayn."

That catches his attention for a moment. "Zayn? He's a real nice boy."

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