Fourty Three;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

I got that urgent feeling again when we passed the Stillton's entrance gates trailing right behind Liam's car. But I wasn't going to let that worried feeling spread because I'm planning to enjoy myself today, I'm not going to think too much and just let things come naturally today.

Seeing Harry in a snap-back turned backwards was probably equally as infatuating as seeing him wear a bandana and covered in dirt at his job, he wore a Green Bay Packers snap-back and a plain white shirt with the blue swim trunks we must've talked about on the phone.

I turn my attention back towards the window, we were now on a highway still following behind Liam's car. I wonder how Zayn feels being trapped in the middle of all that tension, I smile imagining the uncomfortable expressions on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" Harry glances at me.

"Nothing, do you have any music?"

"None that you'd like."

I sigh, "You don't have one CD that has some of my favorite singers?"



"Okay what?"

"Put the CD in, music is better than no music and plus I need to calm down a bit."

He stares at me for a moment and cocks his head to the side.


"No one has actually gave my music a chance before, it annoys them."

I look in the backseat to see his CD case, I reach for it and open it up seeing a bunch of rock albums, artists that formed years ago. There was Linkin Park, Nickelback, Staind, and many others. But the album Time Of My Life by 3 Doors Down caught my eye.

"Well I'm kind of open-minded." I muttered looking the disk over.

"That's one of my favorites, put it in and put in on number four." He instructed.

I nod and do what he says. "What's the name of the song?"


The voice of the singer fills the car, and I stay silent listening to the beautiful lyrics. You could tell this song had a meaning to it, of course, and I may not always agree with the choice of music Harry listens to  but this song will make me think otherwise.

"I knew you'd like it." He snickers.

I roll my eyes playfully looking back out the window feeling like I didn't want to be any place else than here in a car listening Harry's favorite music.

For the next two hours or so we were both quiet and listened to at least three other album CDs, Harry would ask me if I was okay from time to time but that was it.

"We are now officially in Atlanta." Harry turns off the exit of the freeway where I look up and see the green sign with an arrow that says Atlanta. I couldn't control my excitement as I gawked out the window in front of me as we drove through buildings that I'd have to roll my head back just to see how tall it was, people out enjoying the sun, walking the sidewalks, and crossing streets, and so many cars. All of this what I'm seeing right now is rare in Stillton.

"Harry look." I giggle pointing to a pet store where you could see Corgi pups sleeping in the windows.

"Cute." He chuckles putting a hand on my thigh to get me to focus on him now, "But don't get too used to this, we're just driving through."

"But I thought we were going to the beach."

"We are, but it's not in Atlanta, just close to it."

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