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  • Dedicated to Chris

I opened the door, but I stood where I was when I see that boy I never cease to stop running into. He hears me and turns from looking on at the backyard and directs his attention to me.

"Oh sorry." I mutter before turning and heading back inside but his voice stopped me.

"You can stay, it's not like this is my house."

I nod and go to the opposite side of the steps that ranked down in the middle of the porch and put my hands on the rail looking around his backyard, and at the same time thinking about everything.

I am growing up faster than I expected, it literally feels like just yesterday where I found out I had a little sister named Charlotte and now after summer I could be going to Miami or maybe not. I know I have a right to do what I want, but let me tell you one thing. It's hard to choose something you want to do over making your parents proud. I'd never want to live to see the day where I could slowly see my father's heart breaking and I am the cause.

My dad has been my everything for the past seventeen years I've been alive. Despite his protective and suffocating behavior, he is someone that I love more than anything and it tears me apart inside knowing that I can't be all he wants me to be. On the outside I am an almost grown seventeen year old woman with make-up around my eyes and tight jeans on my hips, but on the inside I am nothing more than a vulnerable little girl.

"Something on your mind?" The curly haired boy brought me out of my thoughts.

I glanced at him and chuckle. "Please don't let me bore you with the problems in my life."

"Everyone has problems." He states walking over and standing beside me.

"Yeah, but there are people out there with problems that would make it seem like I hate my life because I can't get a piece of candy." I muttered shaking my head.

"Well I believe whatever anyone is going through, the problems that they have feels just as overwhelming as yours could be."

I smile gently still not necessarily convinced my problems are worth complaining about. So I decide to bring up another subject. "You have an accent."

"That I do." He nods.

"So, where are you from?" I carry on.

"England. Chesire, to be specific."

"You're from the United Kingdom!" I say a bit too excitedly, I cleared my throat and calmed myself. "Sorry, I just never met anyone outside of the United States."

"Pleasure to be the first." He says but doesn't smile, he just looks out at the yard with an intent look.

"Yeah, you never told me your name. I just keep thinking of you as the boy with the curly hair and tight jeans."

For the first time, I see him crack a smile and I felt my heart skip a beat just witnessing his lips part to show of the whiteness of his perfectly aligned teeth and on his cheeks showed a pair of deep dimples. Now I can't decide which facial expression I love more than the other. The intense gaze or the cheeky smile.

He laughs and licks his lips before looking at me. "I'm Harry."

"Harry." I take a mental note to myself.

"And yours?"


He nods and turns around leaning against the rail now looking at the door. Another thing I can't help but notice is he doesn't really look at a person when he talks, he just stares at whatever is in front of him.

"You don't like Georgia, do you?" I guess wildly.

"I could get used to it. Enlgand isn't all that either, so."

"Are you kidding me? Americans would kill to have an accent like yours and plus people from the United Kingdom are pretty cool. Cher Lloyd, Ed Sheeran, the entire cast of Harry Potter, Alan Carr...everyone from there seems so down to earth, talented, and sincere."

He smiles faintly. "I obviously don't fall under that category."

"Well you could, you just never speak. So I'm not sure." I tell him truthfully.

"Well take my word for it."

The door opens and we both see Zayn step out, he smiles looking at me. "Hey Chloe."


"Look, about the other night I didn't mean to spill that drink on you."

I shake my head. "Don't worry about it, you're just lucky there wasn't a stain." I warn him playfully.

He laughs. "Yeah, I'm so lucky. Anyways, Harry come on, there are some ladies who want to play spin the bottle."

I raise my eyebrows obviously disgusted and look at Harry. He surprises me when he nods and heads to follow behind Zayn who just walked into the house.

"See you around Chloe." He speaks to me before closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, see ya." I say after he's long gone, I turn around and decide to stay out here for the rest of the night. I couldn't imagine Harry being some kind of player boy, he just seems like the kind of guy that flat out hates people in general.

When Jen was finally ready to leave she found me waiting here on the porch and together we went back inside and through the hurricane of people. In the living room I saw Zayn sitting next to Harry on the floor with numerous other people. I saw Harry spin the bottle and what do you know, it stops on Veronica. Harry's face has no emotion so you couldn't really know what he was thinking compared to Veronica's flirtacious grin.

Would he really kiss her? Of course he would Chloe, he'd be an idiot not to kiss a girl like her.

Jen grabs my arm and pulls me away before I could see the playout of all this. "Will you hurry up?"

"Sheesh, have you been going to the gym?" I motioned to the tight grip on her arm as she dragged me out of the house.

She laughs. "Almost every Wednesday, my mom got these ridiculous workout tapes and she's making me do them with her. Anyway, stay the night with me."

The only person awake when we got to Jen's house was her dad and he was on the couch watching a football game and her mom was sleeping. She gave me clothes to wear and together we flopped down on her large bed and cut the TV on.

"Put it on TeenNick." I demanded as she flipped throught the channels.

I grinned from ear to ear when they were showing some of my favorite cartoons. Jen furrows her eyebrows looking at me. "Where were you all night?"

"I went out on the porch and talked to Harry."

"Ooh who's Harry?" She smiles teasingly.

"Do you remember the guy I bumped into at the mall when we were shopping for Zayn's party?" I lay down with my head on a pillow.

She raised her eyebrows thinking hard and finally she hasped. "Ohh, him? What's he like? I bet he's cuter up close."

I opened my mouth to reply, but closed it. How do I describe Harry? I don't even know him besides the fact that he's from England and his name is Harry.

"He's quiet."

"Quiet? That's it?" She says completely flabbergasted.

I nod. "Yeah, and he's from England."

She widens her eyes with a smile. "England. Oh my, does he have those cute little accents? Chloe, you have to introduce us. I want to hear him speak words." She says desperately.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "It depends on if he wants to talk to me or not."

She huffs and goes back to watching TV, talking about Harry makes me wonder why did he even move here to the smallest town of Georgia that's deep in the south? I want to see him again and ask even though it sounds so rude of me because I will be completely in his business, but I still wish to know.

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