Ninety Six;

612 25 5

"I'll go and talk to your father and tell him about the ticket."

"No." I grab Harry's wrist stopping him from going any further towards father's office where he was silently working, he didn't even notice Harry was in the house. "I'll tell him."

"Do you want me to stay here with you?"

"I think it's better if I do it alone, but thanks anyways." I smile graciously as we continue to walk to the front door.

"Okay, uhm..." He swallows and stands by the door looking down at me deciding what to say next. "...Again, I don't know what I was thinking when I-"

"I think all of your apologies are shown in that ticket to Manhattan, Harry. Say no more."

"But you deserve more." He says without a second thought. "Is it okay if I see you tomorrow and maybe the days after that? I know we aren't...together, but I'd rather have anything with you than nothing at all."

I smile faintly. "Tomorrow? I don't think that's a good idea, especially after I tell my dad about this."

"What about the day after that?"

I bite down on my lip. "Yeah, sure."

"Okay...uhm..." He looks down at me nervously. "...Bye." He whispers staring down at me for what felt like hours. He finally tears his gaze away from mine and walks out of the door.

I slowly close the door behind him and lean my back against the door feeling tears sting my eyes. "Bye Harry."

I pull myself together and walk to my father's office, he was writing down on a yellow notepad glancing at his computer screen every now and then, before continuing writing.

"Dad." I say with confidence. He looks up at me, confused as to why I was talking to him. I was still pissed at him and he knew it. "I found a way how to get to New York and luckily for you, you don't have to worry about anything."

As hopeful I was that it was that simple, it wasn't. I go to turn around and leave, but his voice stops me. I knew it wasn't going to be that easy. "What do you mean you found a way?"

"I found a way dad, nothing's going to stop me this time." I shrug. "Harry paid for a plane ticket and my classes at Juilliard along with a few other things."

"He what? That little son of a bitch!" I flinch as he picks up his keyboard and slams it back on the surface of his desk. Most of the keys pop out from their base scattering across the desk and on to the floor. "Where's the plane ticket Chloe?!"

"You aren't making me give it back." I try to keep up my act, but seeing my father's face turn red staring at me with an apprehensive look was enough for me to cower away.

He spits harsh words about Harry as he storms pass me and starts going up the stairs. I immediately follow after him as he starts heading for my room. "Dad, no!"

"I told you before, you aren't going! I'm tired of dealing with this bullshit every single day! He's trying to be like some god damn hero in a movie!"

As soon as he opens my door I run pass him and over to my dresser where I left the ticket and hold it behind my back. "Get out!"

"Give me the ticket!"


"Give me the ticket right now! I'm not arguing with you about this!"

"Chloe..." My eyes dart to my opened doorway where Charlie was standing timidly staring at the two of us, tears in her eyes.

Before I could tell her to leave and go to her room, my father reaches behind me to grab the ticket but I quickly hold it out of his reach. He roughly grabs my arm when I try to run and yanks my hand back towards him in order to grab the ticket.

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