Fourty Eight;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

Once again, I wake up in Harry's arms the exact same way I fell asleep. My lips were rested in the crook of his neck and his arm was hung loose around my waist. I was able to see over his shoulder to check the time on his alarm clock, it was 9:14.

Next to that clock was his journal where he sat it down, I smiled closing my eyes wanting to get a little bit more rest and enjoy being in Harry's arms. What if our parade comes to an end today?

The odds are against me, my dad will always overpower me, so who knows what could happen when I go back home.

Harry begins to stir after a while.

"You alright?" Tiredness is heavy in his voice.

"Yeah, I should go and get dressed." I murmur starting to get up, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back into his chest where I was before.

"Let's just lay here for a while longer."

"I want to, but it's already nine and I can't keep avoiding this. I have to go back home eventually."

He huffs removing his arm from around me lettung me get up. He doesn't say a word and only lays there as I go in the bathroom where I left my clothes from last night.

"Would you really risk seeing me again?" I ask aloud hoping he could hear me.

It's silent for a moment, but I hear his voice directly on the other side of the door. "Yeah, why not?"

"My dad has a bit of temper." I mutter.

"He should watch his self with me then." Harrys spits, I can just imagine his jaw clenching tightly.

I finish dressing myself by pulling my shirt on and the open the door to see Harry dressed in his black jeans with a band shirt.

"How's your arm?" He asks me.

"Eh, there's a small red mark but it's barely visible."

"Why do you want to go to New York?"

"Huh? F-For Juilliard, you know that."

"Yeah, yeah. But for what other reasons?"

I shrug, "Any place is better than Stillton, don't you think? I want to see and experience something bigger and better than shabby old book stores with wooden areas taking up most of the space."

He gazes down at me for a moment and shakes his head. "The world isn't as beautiful as you're making it out to be. I thought you loved it here."

"I do but I want to see other things too."

"I can assure you you don't."

"Why do you say that?"

Harry goes to the edge of his bed pulling his boots on. "You thought that there wasn't bad people here in Stillton and look what happened? If I never showed up do you realize what those jackasses would've tried to do with you?"

"But you didn't necessarily save me, Ethan did."

"Don't." He warns me.

"I'm not doing anything. Are you trying to tell me that I can't handle myself?"

"Well you didn't do a good job last night."

"You're the one that told me that I should go to Julliard, why are you saying these things now?"

"I just don't think it's a good idea."

"Don't tell me you'd rather me to go to Miami and study psychology."

He pulls a face. "Of course not, I'm not your father. Why can't you just do what Zayn is doing and just use that studio you have now and teach kids or something?"

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