Fifty Seven;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

The next day Harry had to go in to work again, he sent me a few texts complaining how Liam was acting like a know-it-all. But nonetheless, it was one in the afternoon and I was bored and there was one thing on my mind and that was the dance studio.

I was currently washing the dishes and cleaning up the rest of the kitchen. My dad was working and so since a clean kitchen makes him happy I decided why not? He has been letting some pressure off my back every since my birthday.

I sigh happily when I'm done mopping and sit the mop as well as the bucket aside.

"What are you doing?" Charlie appears from behind me.

"Cleaning so dad won't have to when he's done working."


"What's up?" I ask tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'm just bored."

"Tell me about it. That's why I'm leaving." I tease before walking away from her and start up the stairs.

"Can I come?" She asks.

I furrow my eyebrows and face her. "With me?"

"Yeah, wherever you're going has got to be better than being stuck here all day."

I go back down the stairs and bend down so I was eye level with her, I smile fixing her hair. "Do you have any sweatpants and sneakers?"

"Yeah, from last Christmas but I never wore them."

"Well now you get to, go and get dressed and I'll be down in a second."

"Should I be scared?"

"No, now go unless you want to stay here bored out of your mind." I rush her.

She giggles before turning and running away to her bedroom. I go upstairs, skipping a step each time and go inside my room. I find a pair of dance shorts and a plain tank-top and get dressed in my choices. I throw my hair up into a neat bun before grabbing my dance bag making sure my key and my CD were in there before throwing it over my shoulder and head downstairs.

Charlie gasps when she sees me. "I know what we're doing, we're danc-"

"Shh" I put my hand over her mouth and peer down the hallway staring at my father's office door. "Yes, we're going dancing. I'm going to leave a note though telling daddy that I took you to the park."


I go inside the kitchen and found a post-it note and a pen and scribble something down.

Charlie and I are at the park, don't worry ! We'll be back before five this evening.


My dad knows I dance, he knows about Juilliard, but he doesn't know about the studio.

I wrap my arm around Charlie's shoulder pulling her close to me as we walk down the sidewalk.

"I remember seeing you dancing when I was little." Charlie mentions.

"You are little."


"I stopped doing it for a long time, but I just recently started."

"What made you?"

Harry comes to my mind, I shrug. "Inspiration, I guess."

We didn't get a chance to really talk after he dropped me off yesterday, he's been texting me so I guess he's not that upset. But I do feel guilty for not answering him the way I should, I know what he wanted to hear and that was "No, I wasn't going to kiss him."

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